2023. № 3 (43). DOI: 10.15393/j5.art.2023.8647

Issue 3 (43)

Lifelong learning in the modern world: the research and design methodology



Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Institute of Art Education
Volgograd State Social and Pedagogical University
(Volgograd, Russian Federation)
projects of anthropological transition
idea of a new person
new tasks of education
soviet education.
Abstract: the purpose of the article is to consider the idea of a new person that is being formed within the framework of the Russian and Western projects of anthropological transition as a worldview and axiological guideline for designing educational systems relevant to these projects. Both projects are associated with political, socio-economic, cultural processes in the country and the world, therefore they have a formative impact on the development of education. The author relies on the principles of humanitarian methodology, uses theoretical and comparative analysis, synthesis. The difference in the value-semantic content of the Russian (traditionalist) and Western (progressive) projects of the anthropological transition is shown, the ideological and axiological aspects of the ideas about the new person associated with these projects are revealed. The difference between the strategic tasks and directions of development of education in line with the named projects of the anthropological transition is revealed. It is shown that the experience of Soviet education can be a valuable resource for building a new system of Russian education. The value-semantic guidelines of this process should be ideas, meanings and values, which contains the Russian project of anthropological transition, this corresponds to the cultural (civilizational) code of the peoples of Russia.
Paper submitted on: 07/27/2024; Accepted on: 08/25/2023; Published online on: 09/26/2023.


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15393/j5.art.2023.8647