2023. № 3 (43). DOI: 10.15393/

Issue 3 (43)



Paper submitted on: 09/18/2023; Accepted on: 09/18/2023;

Dear authors and readers of our journal! Congratulations on the upcoming new academic year!

The September issue 3 (43) of the journal was prepared in collaboration between the editorial board of the journal and teachers of the Academic Writing Center of Petrozavodsk State University. The creation and implementation of academic writing centers at Russian universities contribute to the development of scientific research in higher education and improving the quality of presentation of scientific works, thereby contributing to the implementation of the goals of the Decade of Science and Technology in Russia (2022‒2031). The decade of science and technology includes a set of initiatives, projects and events aimed at strengthening the role of science and technology in the progressive development of Russian society. The implementation of the goals involves solving the following tasks: attracting talented youth to the field of research and development, promoting the involvement of researchers and developers in solving the most important problems of the development of society and the country, increasing the availability of information about the achievements and prospects of Russian science for Russian citizens.

The issue contains a selection of articles on the problem of academic writing in higher education, devoted to the theory and methodology of teaching writing scientific texts. Academic writing centers operating today solve different problems. A number of centers at leading Russian universities are focused on assisting teachers in creating articles in English for their subsequent publication in foreign journals. Other universities solve problems related to the development of academic literacy of students, training students and/or teachers, and completing scientific texts in Russian and/or English. In a theoretical and methodological article by teachers of the Academic Writing Center of Petrozavodsk State University, an option for the complex work of an academic writing center at a regional university is proposed, and organizational and didactic approaches to its implementation are substantiated. Other articles in the issue present the results of research work on technology and methods of teaching students and teachers to create scientific texts in Russian and English. This is not the first time that the issue of academic dishonesty has been raised in our journal. In the section devoted to the scientific vocabulary of lifelong education, the reader will find the results of an analysis of the essence of the concept of «scaffolding», its prevalence in domestic and foreign research, as well as the rationale for the connection between the scaffolding methodology and academic writing.

As is known, one of the functions of pedagogical science is a prognostic one; its importance increases due to rapid economic and social changes in society. Modern education should focus on the prospects of social development. In this regard, the problem of becoming a person of the future becomes relevant, which is touched upon in two articles in the issue.

On the pages of our journal we have repeatedly addressed the problems of ethnocultural and ethnopedagogical education. The article by our Belarusian colleague contains reflections on ethnopedagogy in the context of the development of modern pedagogical science.

The editorial board of the journal draws the attention of potential authors to the need to comply with the requirements of the journal regarding the topics and format of articles.

We wish all our authors and readers every success in the field of lifelong education and in putting into practice the results of scientific research.


Editorial Board

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