2022. № 4 (40). DOI: 10.15393/j5.art.2022.8014

Issue 4 (40)

Human and teaching resources of continuing education



PhD in Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogical Technologies
Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushinsky
(Yaroslavl, Russian Federation)
PhD in Pedagogical Sciences, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Theory and History of Pedagogy Yaroslavl
Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushinsky
(Yaroslavl, Russian Federation)
indicators of professional competence of teachers
pre-professional pedagogical training of students.
Abstract: the article deals with the problem of assessing the professional competence of teachers of pre-professional pedagogical training. Pre-professional pedagogical training in the present period is one of the key stages in the continuous education of a teacher. The essence of the problem lies in determining the structure and indicators of professional competence of teachers of pre-professional pedagogical training and developing diagnostic tools based on them. Defining the structure and indicators of professional competence of teachers of pre-professional pedagogical training, the authors propose to rely on understanding the results of the work of teachers of pre-professional training. These results include universal pedagogical competencies formed at different levels of pedagogical education. Therefore, the main groups of indicators of professional compe-tence of teachers of pre-professional pedagogical training identified by the authors are based on the components of universal pedagogical competencies: cognitive, activity and personal. The tool pro-posed by the authors makes it possible to determine the general level of professional competence of a teacher of pre-professional pedagogical training, to identify professional deficits and prospects for professional development. The diagnostic technique is based on a set of self-assessment and testing methods. The article presents the main stages of the development of tools, its characteristics and a description of the results of testing.
Paper submitted on: 07/20/2022; Accepted on: 12/07/2022; Published online on: 12/20/2022.


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15393/j5.art.2022.8014