2022. № 4 (40). DOI: 10.15393/

Issue 4 (40)

Learning throughout the life



Ershova Natalya Yu.
PhD in Physics and Mathematics, Associate Professor, Department of General Physics, Institute of Physics and Technology
Petrozavodsk State University
(Petrozavodsk, Russian Federation)
accreditation of educational programs
quality of education
planned results of the educational program
funds of evaluation funds
complex practical task
assessment of the formation of competence.
Abstract: the article considers the features of engineering educational programs accreditation in higher education. The goals and methods of confirming the compliance of the education quality with the established accreditation indicators are analyzed. The options for student learning evaluation through the «degree of achievement of the planned results of the educational program» are considered. Assignment examples of the from the funds of assessment tools in the disciplines of the main professional educational program of higher education 09.03.01 «Computer science and computer technology of Petrozavodsk State University» are given. Refinement and execution of assignments from the fund of assessment tools for the discipline for assessing universal and professional competencies in general according to the methodology proposed by the Foundation for Infrastructure and Educational Programs (RUSNANO group) are demonstrated. The structure of the document «Trajectories (stages) of the competence formation of the main professional educational program of higher education» as part of the educational program and its use for assessing the formation of competencies is considered. It is proposed to create a bank of complex practical tasks for assessing the formation of competencies of the Federal State Educational Standards of Higher Education of programs implemented by the university.
Paper submitted on: 08/10/2022; Accepted on: 11/21/2022; Published online on: 12/20/2022.


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