2022. № 2 (38). DOI: 10.15393/j5.art.2022.7632

Issue 2 (38)

Learning throughout the life



Postgraduate student of the Faculty of Pedagogical Education
Lomonosov Moscow State University
(Moscow, Russian Federation)
lifelong learning
environmental education
multistage environmental training in China.
Abstract: at the end of the 20th century, Chinese society faced a deep ecological crisis. The most important means of solving the environmental problem was the development of educational strategies for environmental orientation in relation to different levels of the system of continuous education. The main purpose of this publication is to identify the forms, pedagogical models, principles and strategies for implementing the environmental component at various levels and levels of the lifelong education system in China, as well as to describe the structural, organizational and methodological features of the formation of lifelong education in the People's Republic of China in a historical retrospective, taking into account the main directions of reforming education in the context of state socio-economic policy. The material of the study was scientific and pedagogical sources in Russian, Chinese and English, dissertations, scientific monographs, normative and legislative acts of the education system. The main research method was an interdisciplinary approach with elements of content analysis of scientific texts in pedagogy, philosophy, psychology, sociology, ecology, and economic disciplines. The result of the study was the identification of the pedagogical features of the system of lifelong education with Chinese characteristics and the description of the model of lifelong environmental education, which is being implemented in the conditions of modern China. The study may be of interest to research educators, students, undergraduates and graduate students of pedagogical training, as well as specialists in the field of ecology and representatives of the man-agerial level in the field of education.
Paper submitted on: 04/06/2022; Accepted on: 06/03/2022; Published online on: 06/26/2022.


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15393/j5.art.2022.7632