The Editorial. LIFELONG EDUCATION: The 21st Century.
2021. № 4 (36). DOI: 10.15393/

Issue 4 (36)


The Editorial

Published online on: 12/26/2021.

On the eve of the New Year, we offer our readers the 4th (36th) issue of the journal "Lifelong Education: XXI Century". This issue concludes the ninth year of the journal's regular quarterly issues. The upcoming 2022 is a special year for our journal - an anniversary year.

The methodological section of the issue contains two articles. In one of them, in the context of studying the problem of interaction between pedagogical theory and practice, the substantiation of the conceptual and terminological apparatus of pedagogical science, started in the previous publications of the authors, continues, in the other, the specific features of modern trends in education are substantiated.

As always, the December issue of the journal presents the author's innovative experience of theoretical and empirical research at various levels of lifelong education. In this issue, they are aimed at solving the following problems: manifestation of the personality of adolescent students in a blended learning environment; ensuring the professional orientation of general education disciplines in the design of their subject content. The conversation continues about health-preserving education, namely, a non-standard approach to understanding abstinence is proposed.

For the first time, our journal publishes an article dedicated to the development of non-state education. Non-state educational organizations, along with state ones, ensure the continuity of education, but their activities are clearly insufficiently studied. In this regard, the article on the development of non-state higher education in China is of interest.

For heads of educational organizations and education managers, a publication related to the assessment of distance education in the student-teacher-employer triad will be useful. The inclusion of employers in the number of respondents increases the significance of the results obtained for institutions of secondary vocational and higher education.

In the section devoted to personnel and methodological resources of lifelong education, there are two articles aimed at solving the problem of the quality of training of teachers. An important, but contradictory direction is training and advanced training of teachers in the field of upbringing school students.

The material of the article devoted to identifying the difficulties of teachers in the implementation of this important function of their professional activity can help purposefully adjust the process of professional training of teachers.

The issue ends with an article about the history of the development of higher pedagogical education in the field of training physical culture teachers and coaches in various sports in the Republic of Karelia. The development of this sphere of pedagogical education in the region from the department to the faculty, and further to the Institute of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism is shown.

We draw the attention of potential authors to the goal of the journal (lifelong education) and compliance with the requirements for the design of articles.

We congratulate our authors and readers with the coming New Year and Christmas holidays. We wish everyone health, joy from successful teaching, success in scientific work and new interesting publications in our journal!

Editorial team

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