2021. № 1 (33). DOI: 10.15393/

Issue 1 (33)

Lifelong learning in the modern world: the research and design methodology



Vasilieva Anastasya V.
Ph. D in pedagogy, a lecturer at the chair of Environmental Design
St. Petersburg State University
(St. Petersburg, Russian Federation)
interactive learning
conceptual framework
two-level triadic category decoding method
mutation method
cognitive activity
the teaching of foreign languages and Russian as foreign language.
Abstract: the rapid development of innovative technologies and their implementation in the educational process puts forward the problem of forming the conceptual apparatus for both pedagogy and methodology as well as many subject areas within them. The solution of this problem is of great importance for the qualitative development of pedagogical education. In particular, this problem affects interactive learning directly. To cover the essence and content of interactive learning a large number of concepts is used but they do not constitute a structured conceptual field. As a result it hinders the development of a unified theory of interactive learning, and presents certain difficulties in its implementation. The purpose of this article is to form the conceptual framework of the subject area of interactive learning based on its essential aspects. We believe that the formation of the conceptual apparatus of the subject area of interactive learning based on its essential aspects will allow us to obtain a description of the research object with sufficient completeness and consistency.
The methodological framework of the present research is based on content analysis of scientific and methodological literature, two-level triadic decryption method, method of mutation.
Results and findings are as follows: The obtained system of categories that provide a complete and consistent description of the interactive learning subject area; the conditions under which the learning takes the form of interactive one; the identified basic characteristics of interactive learning; the main types of basic characteristics of interactive learning; the ordered relationship between categories, the decrypted interactive learning, and on the basis of the above mentioned synthesized and identified categories comprises the conceptual framework of the subject area of the studied phenomenon.
The conceptual framework of the subject area of interactive learning, formed on the basis of its basic interrelated categories and concepts, first, describes interactive learning with the necessary and sufficient degree of completeness, second, provides a systematic view of the phenomenon under consideration, and third, contains resources and outlines directions for further qualitative research of the subject area of interactive learning. The results obtained can be used to identify the evolutionary sequence of stages in the formation of interactive learning to ensure the management of the process of its creation and development.
Paper submitted on: 12/22/2024; Accepted on: 12/22/2024; Published online on: 03/26/2021.



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