2019. № 2 (26). DOI: 10.15393/

Issue 2 (26)



Published online on: 06/22/2019.

Dear authors and readers!

In the summer issue we follow up the thematic approach in publishing, that is to say to publish the number of the articles on a certain topic.

In 2(26) journal issue you may find the series of the articles on ecological education viewed as a interdisciplinary educational component and as a part  of sustainable development. Lifelong ecological learning as a part of sustainable development includes all the stages of formal and informal education, and also informal adult education. This issue contains the articles revealing  didactic problems connected with continuity of ecological component of high school disciplines,  and reflection of a problem of ecocentric consciousness formation in the normative documents, identifying specific features of ecological education for professional colleges students.

One of the articles deals with further research of ecological enlightenment for adult population on the basis of sociological survey carried out among the St. Petersburg residents and presents the result analysis of the investigation.

The research engaging pedagogical issues on the national system of preparation and advanced training in the tourism industry is still high on the agenda. Tourism industry is a specific segment including the activities of tourist enterprises for supplying tourist services and selling tourist product to meet the needs of the market. The tourist industry is one of the most dynamically developing in a modern world. One of the articles is devoted to the analysis of the actual problems of specialist preparation in this segment and suggests the ways of solving these problems in the Republic of Karelia.

The problem of incomplete education of high school students is of great importance in different countries including Russia. The article written by a doctoral student from the Thomas Bata University (Czech Republic) focuses on the causes of early high school leaving  in the Czech Republic.

The Finnish system of education recognized as the most effective in Europe is again presented in this issue. In the article the Finnish case of career guidance aimed at the future career path designed by each person independently and including elements of psychological support, social comfort and inclusion is analyzed.

The journal more than once has addressed the problems of rural high schools, including peculiar features of their functioning and community interaction. Such focus of attention is of great importance. Rural high schools make more than half of all the number of high schools in Russia, in some regions their number reaches 70-80%.  In the part of the journal devoted to the scientific events the information summing up the results of the conference "Problems and prospects of development of rural educational organizations", held in March 27-30, 2019 in Yaroslavl on the basis of the Ushinsky Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University is presented.

We hope that the articles presented in the summer issue will be of interest for the readers. The journal is open for discussions of the results of scientific research on the problems on lifelong learning.

Please read, enjoy, and share the research and practice ideas in this issue of  the journal.

We do invite all of you for further collaboration with the journal!



Editorial board


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