2019. № 1 (25). DOI: 10.15393/

Issue 1 (25)

Discussion platform



Ilyina Natalia N
Ph.D in Pedagogy
Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and Methods for General and Professional education of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology of PetrSU
(Petrozavodsk, Russia)
socio-pedagogical study
young activists
life expectations
moral values.
Abstract: the article is a continuation of the youth research that began in 1995−1997 when the Russian-Finnish project «Youth in a Changing Karelia» was conducted. First of all the author was interested in the comprehension of young activists (males) of a desirable model of their adult life, the main spheres of which are job, family, relations among people and leisure. The qualitative analysis of the notion about the desirable future, existing in minds of the young men to a certain extent indicates the current reforms in Russia and in some of former soviet republics. It particularly helps to understand which values, aims and ideals are preferable for the modern generation and which models of adult life they would like to comply. The socio-pedagogical study of the life expectations of young activists also shows a trajectory to achieve target values
Paper submitted on: 11/20/2018; Accepted on: 02/15/2019; Published online on: 03/23/2019.


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