Glebova G., Kiriutina N. Social-educational potential of women's internet-forum. LIFELONG EDUCATION: The 21st Century.
2016. № 4 (16). DOI: 10.15393/

Issue 4 (16)

Learning throughout the life


Social-educational potential of women's internet-forum

Glebova Galina
Associate Professor of the Chair of Pedagogy and Psychology of Smolensk State University
(Smolensk, Russia)
Kiriutina Natalya
a 2-nd year post-graduate student of the direction 44. 06.01 - «Education and pedagogical science of Smolensk State University
(Smolensk, Russia)
information community
lifelong learning
informal learning
social-educational potential.
Abstract: the article focuses on the problems of development of personal educational space in the context of information society characterized by the diversity of informational streams and broadening of media sphere. These facts transform the educational strategy of a person and open new ways for forming self-education skills. The materials of Smolensk women's forum (the site of Smolensk Internet-club) were used as a basis for the investigation. The author's view on the significance of the Internet-community for self-education, self-realization, and self-expression of a person is presented. The possibility of obtaining personal and social significant educational results within the Internet-forum activities as a factor of informal education is estimated. The attempt to define the stages and the content of education received within the women's forum is made. A retrospective emotional evaluation of the external and internal reasons for the activities of the Internet-forum participants is given. The results of the investigation illustrating the social-educational potential of the Internet-communities activities are presented. The offered thesis and conclusions made in the course of self-management and self-observation of communicative and post-communicative stages of participation in web-forum activities are of personal-reflective character. The article may be of interest for the researchers of educational potential of the Internet-resources and for the specialists in the field of non-linear and blended learning.
Paper submitted on: 11/13/2016; Accepted on: 11/27/2016; Published online on: 12/20/2016.

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