Tebenkova E. The place and role of moral-ecological identity development for a lifelong learning subject. LIFELONG EDUCATION: The 21st Century.
2016. № 2 (14). DOI: 10.15393/j5.art.2016.3129

Issue 2 (14)

Discussion platform


The place and role of moral-ecological identity development for a lifelong learning subject

Tebenkova Elena
associate professor at the chair of Ecology, Health and Safety of Kurgan State University
(Kurgan, Russia)
lifelong learning
moral-ethical upbringing and development
education for sustainable development
moral-ecological upbringing
moral-ecological identity
subject of education.
Abstract: The current documents regulating the content of moral-ethical development and ecological education on different levels of general academic competency are analyzed in the article. The author claims that the development of moral-ecological identity of a lifelong learning subject is a part of educational and developmental components of upbringing for sustainable development and a necessary means for moral-ethical development of a citizen of the Russian Federation. On the basis of theoretical analysis and philosophic-pedagogical reflection, the necessity of personal involvement in moral-ecological education through the identity category is revealed and proved. The terminological comprehension of moral-ecological identity of a lifelong learning subject is presented. The identity of a lifelong learning subject is described through pedagogical concepts, main elements and component composition. The moral-ecological identity of a lifelong learning subject is interpreted as a process and positive result of moral and ecological identity. It is distinguished by the following:
a) the need of identification by a personality;
b) accumulation of ideas and knowledge of the identification subject;
c) acceptance of norms and requirements for a subject as the normative learner centered basis of identification behavior.
The structure of moral-ecological identity includes the following components: motivational, cognitive, reflexive, and normative learner centered approach. Presented conclusions are of methodological character and might be used as a guide for the content of ecological education and moral-ethical upbringing in modern Russia.
Paper submitted on: 04/24/2016; Accepted on: 06/03/2016; Published online on: 06/20/2016.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15393/j5.art.2016.3129