Vanhemping E. «The Baltic vector» for academic mobility: innovation discourse for the Russian-speaking professorate and young researchers intellectual internship of post-Soviet countries in Scandinavia. LIFELONG EDUCATION: The 21st Century.
2016. № 2 (14). DOI: 10.15393/

Issue 2 (14)

Education Management in an open global society


«The Baltic vector» for academic mobility: innovation discourse for the Russian-speaking professorate and young researchers intellectual internship of post-Soviet countries in Scandinavia

Vanhemping Elina
Rector of Scandinavian Institute for Academic Mobility
(Seinajoki, Finland)
academic mobility
intellectual internship
post-Soviet countries
world educational space.
Abstract: the article deals with the innovation practice analysis and description of organizing foreign internship in the context of transition to post-classic educational model. The author considers the academic mobility phenomenon both in classic and innovation forms, analyzes the terms of access to the forms of international academic mobility for young researchers and professorate in post-Soviet countries. The author focuses on the phenomenon of «foreign internship» as a special form of the academic activities, research work, and professional development. The language barrier is underlined as a segregation construct in the international academic mobility development for professorate of post-Soviet countries. The connotations of meaningful and technological rapport and interaction in professorate visits are analyzed. The professorate academic mobility is estimated as an indicator of the higher education reform successfulness for the post-Soviet countries. The author highlights the importance of building up the targeted use of knowledge, information, and experience received in the course of International internship in the motherland of an intern. The researchers of the International educational space and managers of the further training system will get interested in comparative analysis of institutional practice for academic mobility under conditions of post-Soviet country integration into the world educational space. They also might be interested in innovation forms realization for foreign internship programs at the Scandinavian Institute for Academic Mobility, based on the techniques of post-classic educational model.
Paper submitted on: 06/05/2016; Accepted on: 06/09/2016; Published online on: 06/22/2016.

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