Babakova T., Levina O. Open university at petrozavodsk state unuversity as a phenomenon of adult education. LIFELONG EDUCATION: The 21st Century.
2016. № 2 (14). DOI: 10.15393/

Issue 2 (14)

Learning throughout the life


Open university at petrozavodsk state unuversity as a phenomenon of adult education

Babakova Tatiana
full professor at the Chair of Theory and Methods of General and Professional Education at Petrozavodsk state University
(Petrozavodsk, Russia)
Levina Olga
Heead of Open University at Petrozavodsk State University
(Petrozavodsk, Russia)
lifelong learning
adult education
non-formal education
open university.
Abstract: the article attempts a pedagogical evaluation of Open University at Petrozavodsk State University specific activities for the period 2010−2015. The Open University (OU) is presented as non-traditional type of non-formal adult education after analyzing such concepts as lifelong, formal, non-formal, informal, additional types of education, and professional development. The efficiency of the OU is estimated on data obtained in the course of analysis through interviews and questionnaires of teachers and most active learners. The pedagogical principles of organizing the OU activities are formulated, namely: consistency, pragmatic approach, democratic management and self-management style, and interconnection between education and enlightenment, general and regional component, non-formal and formal education. The fact that adults including seniors are interested in increasing their educational and cultural level on the one hand, and the instructors rea-son for their participation in teaching at the OU as deep understanding of the importance of enlight-enment for the population on the other hand, is proved via concrete cases. The authors conclude that the above described form facilitate the university to be the pillar of education, science, and culture in the region. The statements and conclusions presented in the article are of interest for investigators in the field of adult education and for the organizers of such structural divisions at the universities as multi-profile educational institutions
Paper submitted on: 05/11/2016; Accepted on: 05/30/2016; Published online on: 06/22/2016.


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