Severin S. Metadisciplinary modul «Pedagogical projecting» as an invariant component of pedagogical lifelong learning education. LIFELONG EDUCATION: The 21st Century.
2016. № 2 (14). DOI: 10.15393/

Issue 2 (14)

Lifelong learning in the modern world: the research and design methodology


Metadisciplinary modul «Pedagogical projecting» as an invariant component of pedagogical lifelong learning education

Severin Sergey
associate professor, full member of International Academy for the Humanization of Education, the Dean of the Faculty of Foreign Languages of Brest State University n.a. Alexander Pushkin
(Brest, Belarus)
meta-disciplinary content
higher pedagogical education
pedagogical projecting
quality pedagogic system control
personal-professional self-development.
Abstract: in the article the V. V. Serikov idea about the meta-disciplinary integration of the content of the higher pedagogical education and structuring the educational standards on the basis of meta-disciplinary modules is elaborated on the content-technological level. The author's variant of meta-disciplinary module «Pedagogical Projecting» is considered. The module goal is to create conditions for the would be teachers to design the authorial pedagogical systems on the systematic inter-disciplinary and trance-disciplinary basis. The pedagogical projecting is interpreted in three aspects − as creative-innovation-expert activities, technology of pedagogical system development, and technology of personal-professional self-development of a teacher. The package of theoretical disciplines such as philosophy, psychology, pedagogy, and others are integrated in the module structure. This package is being worked out by the teachers' team on the basis of the following principles: fundamentality, inter-disciplinarily, multi-culturality, poly-conceptuality and complementarity. The pragmatic-oriented module package is built upon such psychological processes as reflection, authorial concept projecting, quality expertise method, projecting of diagnostic instrumentarium, goal-setting, module projecting, carrying out a micro-investigation, educational situations projecting and quality prognosis and targeted on problem solutions. The module structure is offered to include the «windows» of mobility and practices to approbate experimentally of the authorial pedagogical projects in various contexts. The suggested approach might be used for meta-disciplinary module projecting as a methodological and instructional guide.
Paper submitted on: 05/03/2016; Accepted on: 05/31/2016; Published online on: 06/22/2016.


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