Subetto A. Noosphere foundations of lifelong learning in xxi century. LIFELONG EDUCATION: The 21st Century.
2016. № 2 (14). DOI: 10.15393/

Issue 2 (14)

Lifelong learning in the modern world: the research and design methodology


Noosphere foundations of lifelong learning in xxi century

Subetto Alexander
full professor in Philosophy, full professor in Economics, PhD in Engineering
Honored Worker of Science RF, Laureate of Governmental Award RF in Education of the year 2011, the President of Noosphere Academy of Sciences, Vice-President of the Petrovsky Academy of Sciences and Arts, full member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, full member of the European Academy of Natural Sciences, Grand PhD in Philosophy (Oxford), Rector’s Council of the Smolny Institute, Senior Research Associate of the Nekrasov Kostroma State University
lifelong learning
public intelligence
Abstract: the foundations of the lifelong learning definition and noospheric bases of its new image development are revealed. The author gives his own interpretation of the lifelong learning concept, carrying it out off the limits of the market fundamentalism and designating the two dimensions – both institutional and personality-centered. The inadequacy of modern science and education to the imperatives of Nature is emphasized and as that calls for noospheric quality formation in science and education. It is shown that lifelong learning should become a leading mechanism for society and mankind in genera transition to a new paradigm not only of sustainable development but also of History itself. This refers to the noospheric paradigm in the form of controllable socio-natural evolution on the basis of societal intellect and scientific-educational society. The author stresses the point that scientific-educational society as a category is much richer that «the knowledge society». In the knowledge society in the course of pragmatic approach to education, the quality of education is deteriorated and the fundamental and humanistic components are reduced. The author concludes that the fundamentalization of lifelong learning as an imperative, addressed to the Russian system of education in XXI century, destined to keep on the process of noospherization for science and philosophy. As that, the noospheric lifelong learning system should start up from training teachers and educators of higher educational institutions as bearers of noospheric ideology, resting upon the foundations of nooshperic moral-ethical system. Philosophic-pedagogical statements suggested by the author are of methodological character, opening the perspectives of lifelong learning theory and practice development built on the new, noospheric foundations.
Paper submitted on: 05/30/2016; Accepted on: 06/05/2016; Published online on: 06/22/2016.

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