From the Editors. LIFELONG EDUCATION: The 21st Century.
2016. № 1 (13). DOI: 10.15393/

Issue 1 (13)


From the Editors

Published online on: 03/21/2016.

We are delighted to introduce our first issue in 2016 and would like to thank the readers for the attention given to our digital journal. The spring issue profiles a mosaic of interlocking themes, but mostly focused on the discussion of various theoretical-methodological foundations for innovation ways of lifelong learning development. The most of the published articles are dealing with this problem. The logical-historical analysis of organizational-activity based pedagogy opens a new view on the intrinsic innovation tools of the generation of the new cultural-educational experience. The theory of continuous-oriented education, based on the trans-disciplinary philosophy, facilitates the development of future working skills and presents the strategic resource of the third millennium educational civilization. The philosophic-pedagogical view on the panel of the main working skills of the future, based on the theory of lifelong-oriented learning and the trans-disciplinary ideas, reveals in consequent development the appropriate skills of the third millennium educational civilization resources and the reason for designing the general and lifelong professional learning content.

Designating the main social-pedagogical problems and contradictions of "innovation culture" having prevailed in the recent decades, the author of one of the articles suggest to ponder on a new paradigm of innovation processes management in education.Thereby, the other article refers to the experience of objective efficiency assessment of the Russian educational systems via complex life quality ratings of cities and regions.  

The regional level of practical activities under conditions of new standard implementation is presented by thePedagogicalCollegeand theInstituteofEducational Developmentexperience. The possibilities of using reflexive-innovation methods in educational management, and also the ways to motivate school teachers for advanced training are shown on specific examples. The theme of continuous personal-professional growth is being discussed in the article, dedicated to everyday self-learning of a higher institution educators at the stage of their professional maturity.   A set of advantages of self-directed free learning as  compared with periodic scheduled advanced training is shown.

The author of "the theory of personal choice in pedagogical activities" invites the readers to discuss this problem, offering conceptual foundations of the afore mentioned theory and the primary results for the search of typological parameters  of the personal educator choices.  

Another of the current inter-disciplinary and trans-disciplinary research trends is connected with new approaches to digital learning. This issue of the journal  deals with the digital information-educational environments on the basis of the competence approach and theoretical rationale of open distance learning, giving the outcomes comparable with that of a full-time education.  The vocabulary of lifelong learning has been elaborated with a novel term "mathetics", practically unknown to a Russian reader. The term refers to trans-disciplinary nature of self-directed learning.

We wish you an interesting reading and expect new materials and new authors in the coming season.                                                                     

                                                                    The Editorial Board 

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