Kolesnikova I. Standardization of educational services for adults: praxeological analysis of the practice of lesser poland voivodeship. LIFELONG EDUCATION: The 21st Century.
2015. № 4 (12). DOI: 10.15393/j5.art.2015.2949

Issue 4 (12)

Education Management in an open global society


Standardization of educational services for adults: praxeological analysis of the practice of lesser poland voivodeship

Kolesnikova I
Dr. der Päd., Prof.
Full member of International Academy for the Humanization of Education
adult education
standards of educational services
educational praxeology
praxeological analysis.
Abstract: the article presents a praxeological analysis of standardization of adult education in Lesser Poland Voivodeship. The basis for the analysis are the texts of «Lesser Poland Standards in Education and Professional Training», methodological recommendations from the «Guide to the Lesser Poland Standards,» the information from the following websites: Voivodeship Office of Employment, «European Civil Society Platform on Lifelong Learning» project, different organizations using the standards (for the period from 2012−2015). The discussed model includes 20 areas of standardization divided into 4 groups: standards related to a) the process of providing the services; b) potential of the teaching staff; c) organizational conditions, d) management of an educational institution.
The article indicates the direct semantic analogies between the Standards content and the praxeological provisions of the Polish philosopher T. Kotarbinsky. The evaluation of the Standards by «praxeology» parameter revealed the following essential features: correlation between success and quality; possibility to determine and assess the aim presentation; structure of the requirements; project nature; comprehensive characteristics of the resources required to provide successful educational services. The author draws attention to the illustrative nature of the «best practices» examples for each of standardization areas; an instrumental nature of methodological recommendations aimed to improve the quality of education and addressed to participants of educational service market; as well as the guidance on what can make a competitive advantage when providing such services to adults. The analysis suggests that praxeological ideas and traditions of organizing a «good» job have influenced the development of the methodological foundations of the Standards. The assumption provides an opportunity for further discussion.
The insight into the Polish version of educational services standardization will be useful for educational managers at the regional and federal levels, the developers of educational standards and experts in the field of adult education.
Paper submitted on: 11/08/2015; Accepted on: 11/17/2015; Published online on: 12/22/2015.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15393/j5.art.2015.2949