Gorchakova-Sibirskaya M. «Egomarketing» and «imageology» in the context of continuing education. LIFELONG EDUCATION: The 21st Century.
2015. № 2 (10). DOI: 10.15393/j5.art.2015.2811

Issue 2 (10)

Modern scientific vocabulary of lifelong learning


«Egomarketing» and «imageology» in the context of continuing education

Gorchakova-Sibirskaya M
full professor, Honorary Worker of higher professional education, Department of Media Industry at Saint Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance
(St. Petersburg)
post-industrial society
professional competence
human capital
personal fulfillment.
Abstract: the article reveals differences and similarities between the two emerging areas of scientific and practical knowledge, which have become relevant in the post-industrial society: egomarketing and imageology. The author shows the need for their development through continuous education system. The analysis of the history and essence of egomarketing concept showed that it emerged as a response to the need for competent professionals, development and improvement of individual’s intellectual potential and complete fulfillment.
Comparing the characteristics of industrial age evolution, we can evaluate the requirements for the employees’ skill sets at every stage of their development and correlation between education level and these requirements. Failure to resolve the contradictions between the needs of production and the level of staff training has resulted in the development of egomarketing. There are a lot of similarities and differences between the concepts of imageology and egomarketing; they are related, interdependent and subordinate. Imageology and egomarketing are similar in terms of reliance on human capital in achieving the goals. Besides, the tools to achieve the goals are based on the methods of personal development. The differences are associated with the result: imageology results in emotional and psychological impact on the target audience, while egomarketing results in achieving a specific result, success.
From the standpoint of continuing education, the author substantiates the need for mastering imageology and egomarketing by everyone. It aims at career growth, professional self-development, successful social adjustment, building social communication with others, choosing the best individual path for mastering a new profession, self-realization in social life and in professional activities, and, finally, personal success. The proposed conclusions will be interesting for education managers and researchers, university instructors and continuing education instructors.
Paper submitted on: 05/16/2015; Accepted on: 06/13/2015; Published online on: 06/20/2015.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15393/j5.art.2015.2811