Hildebrandt E., Marty A., Stommel S. Team teaching: the review of international empirical research. LIFELONG EDUCATION: The 21st Century.
2015. № 2 (10). DOI: 10.15393/j5.art.2015.2808

Issue 2 (10)

Human and teaching resources of continuing education


Team teaching: the review of international empirical research

Hildebrandt E
D.Sc., professor,
head of Preschool Pedagogy and Primary Education Chair at the Pedagogical Institute of North-West Switzerland, the author of scientific papers on education, member of the International Academy for Humanization of Education
Marty A
D.Sc., professor,
Associate professor of Preschool Pedagogy and Primary Education Chair at the Pedagogical Institute of North-West Switzerland, M.Sc.in Psychology - Developmental Psychology and Personality, doctoral student at the Institute of Education (the Pedagogical Institute of North-West Switzerland and the University of Basel).
Stommel S
D.Sc., professor,
Researcher at Preschool Pedagogy and Primary Education Chair at the Pedagogical Institute of North-West Switzerland, Master of Linguistics and Communications / Sociology, doctoral student at the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Zurich.
team teaching
teacher education.
Abstract: teamwork and team teaching are integral to educational practice, for instance in the case of integrative or inclusive education aiming to support the development of children with special needs. In addition, team teaching has increasingly been used to prepare students for teaching practice and during the practice itself. The results of the study assessing effectiveness and potential of team teaching are considered as contradictory, due to (among other things) an undifferential use of the concept and the breadth of the research tasks. In English-speaking countries, the study of team teaching started earlier than in German-speaking countries. Therefore, the authors review empirically gathered practices of English-speaking countries. They consider various models of understanding the team teaching method and highlight they key points of the concept definitions. Then, based on meta-analysis and meta-synthesis, they summarize the results of the following studies:
Armstrong (1977): Team teaching and student performance. Armstrong (1977): Teamteaching und Schülerleistungen.
Schustereit (1980): Team teaching and student performance. Schustereit (1980): Teamteaching und Schülerleistungen.
Murawski und Swanson (2001): Meta-analysis of team teaching. Where is the data? Murawski und Swanson (2001): Eine Meta-Analyse zu Teamteaching. Wo sind die Daten?
Scruggs, Mastropieri und McDuffie (2007): Team teaching in inclusive education: meta-synthese of qualitative studies. Scruggs, Mastropieri und McDuffie (2007): Teamteaching im inklusiven Unterricht: eine Metasynthese qualitativer Studien
 Baeten und Simons (2014): Team teaching in teacher training: models, effectiveness and conditions for implementation. Baeten und Simons (2014): Teamteaching in der Lehrerbildung: Modelle, Effekte und Bedingungen zur Implementation.
The analysis of the presented studies shows that the team teaching method has been studied through quantitative research of its impact on student performance. Such studies provide ambiguous, often contradictory effectiveness indicators. Qualitative studies of this phenomenon have revealed the overall positive trends of team teaching
Paper submitted on: 06/11/2015; Accepted on: 06/18/2015; Published online on: 06/20/2015.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15393/j5.art.2015.2808