Bermous A. Conceptual problems at the modern phase of teacher education modernization in Russia. LIFELONG EDUCATION: The 21st Century.
2015. № 2 (10). DOI: 10.15393/

Issue 2 (10)

Lifelong learning in the modern world: the research and design methodology


Conceptual problems at the modern phase of teacher education modernization in Russia

Bermous A
professor of the Pedagogy Department at Southern Federal University
(Rostov-on-Don, Russia)
teacher education
conceptual bases of modernization
reform policy
education research.
Abstract: the subject of the presented research is «the language of reforms» as a set of ideas, meanings and concepts that are at the heart of teacher education modernization. The main conceptual problem is a significant limitation of formal requirements, which are the grounds for pedagogical education modernization. In order to identify possible conceptual modernization resources, the article examines the practice of similar reforms in Western countries, including Sweden, the UK, Norway, the USA and others.
The author shows the need for: a) scientific and information support of all the measures taken; b) comparative analysis of teacher education contribution to social development; c) correlation between the requirements of standards and quality indicators of general and professional teacher education. The paper presents the factor of modernization as an identification and design of teacher image evolution in socio-cultural and professional contexts, as well as their level differentiation depending on job performance and years of experience. Each modernization stage should be assessed based on the set of parameters, including performance, characteristics of individual and system development, and the environment quality. An important requirement for the performance evaluation is a constant study of the correlation between the political setting and the results achieved, which defines trends and bases of the reform.
The author concludes that not only internal conditions and sources should be taken into account during the process of teacher education modernization, but also the global changes in education setting in the modern world.
Paper submitted on: 12/22/2015; Accepted on: 06/10/2015; Published online on: 06/20/2015.

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