Kolesnikova I. The pedagogical query about the person of the future. LIFELONG EDUCATION: The 21st Century.
2015. № 2 (10). DOI: 10.15393/j5.art.2015.2803

Issue 2 (10)

Lifelong learning in the modern world: the research and design methodology


The pedagogical query about the person of the future

Kolesnikova I
Full member of International Academy for the Humanization of Education
(St. Petersburg, Russia)
scientific forecasting in pedagogy
person of the future.
Abstract: the article aims to draw scientific attention to the development of the person of the future. Using the method of reflection, the author attempts to assess in the pedagogical context the prospects of the changes in human nature. The background of these changes is historical and cultural and can be seen in post-non-classical science. Given the recent trend to expand anthropology and cultural studies into «humanology», which summarizes the post-human concepts of existence and the knowledge of natural and artificial intelligence, it is necessary to determine a place and role of pedagogy in this new system of knowledge.
The article discusses the following questions: which prospects of a future human transformation modern pedagogical science can anticipate in order to consciously encourage (or hinder) their implementation; what the role of education in its conventional sense would be; to what extent those who have pedagogical knowledge are ready to actively participate in building educational scenarios of the future.
The author points out the presence of certain hypothetical mechanisms of human nature improvement, which have already been somehow identified in the theoretical and practical experience of humankind. Among them are the creation of people with socially useful characteristics by «genetic selection»; moral personal transformation, natural evolution during the formation of the noosphere; co-evolutionary development in the human/technology system, etc. Potential pedagogical consequences and risks of possible human changes are considered in the article. The author sets the task of moral and ethical training of specialists involved in projects related to human transformation technology research.
The conclusions presented in the article are debatable and may give an impulse to the professional discussion in the field of philosophy of education and educational technologies.
Paper submitted on: 05/11/2015; Accepted on: 06/17/2015; Published online on: 06/20/2015.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15393/j5.art.2015.2803