Izmagurova V. The concept of continuous joint development as the basis of the coaching methodology. LIFELONG EDUCATION: The 21st Century.
2015. № 1 (9). DOI: 10.15393/j5.art.2015.2728

Issue 1 (9)

Human and teaching resources of continuing education


The concept of continuous joint development as the basis of the coaching methodology

Izmagurova V
associate professor at the Department of Social System Design and Organization at the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration
positive psychology
the technology of goal achievement
innovations in education
developing intellectual environments
continuous joint development.
Abstract: the article aims to present the benefits of a coaching approach for personal development and problem solving in different situations: transformation of family relations, career development, creative self-determination, finding additional resources to solve problems in the process of student-centered learning. At the present time, a scientific concept of coaching methodology based on constructivism and positive psychology is being formed.

The paper proposes a definition of coaching and analyzes how it differs from psychotherapy, psychological counselling, training and mentoring. In particular, the result of coaching is achieved by emphasizing and fulfilling the potential of a coaching partner as opposed to psychotherapeutic work with the past, resulting in compensation and overcoming client's weaknesses. Coaching is a system of methods aimed at working with potential future of a coaching partner, designing the best result for their future. Conscious designing of the best future is possible because this process begins with identifying a true goal of a coaching partner, which supports the motivation for changes.

The author uses the concept of dialogic nature of consciousness to analyze the psychological structure of the coaching process and its effectiveness. The article emphasizes the importance of the idea of continuous and maximum possible joint development of the coaching participants and the environment. The author presents the role of a coaching approach for education and student development as an effective response to the challenges of modern information society.

The author also gives the examples of practical application of coaching, describes its methods, in particular, the "wheel of life balance." In the long term, the author views coaching as one of the main technologies for creating developing intelligent environments. Their distinguishing feature will be the presence of new developing communication technologies.
Paper submitted on: 02/24/2015; Accepted on: 03/09/2015; Published online on: 03/23/2015.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15393/j5.art.2015.2728