Volodina L. Continuous development of spiritual and moral values of family education: the problem of variability and stability. LIFELONG EDUCATION: The 21st Century.
2015. № 1 (9). DOI: 10.15393/j5.art.2015.2725

Issue 1 (9)

Problems of continuity of training and education in Russia


Continuous development of spiritual and moral values of family education: the problem of variability and stability

Volodina L
associate professor, doctoral student of the Institute for Strategy and Theory of Education at Russian Academy of Education
(Vologda, Russia)
spiritual and moral values
family education values
continuity of value development
continuous development mechanism
semantic reconstruction
Abstract: the article presents the author's approach to the problem of value stability and variability through the example of the historical and pedagogical study of family education value transformation, covering the period from ancient Slavic Russia (IX cent.) to 1917. The problem of moral value development is interpreted in the framework of cultural and active approach considering the values of family education as a procedural phenomenon. The author also relies on the operationalization principle, which helps capture the nuances of substantial changes in values over time in the context of "meaningful needs." It allows the author to specify the ideal of family education for a certain historical period. The value development is presented on the basis of convergence mechanisms and semantic reconstruction. This process is described as continuous and modificative.

The author highlights the objectification of scientific knowledge about continuity as a separate educational reality and claims that it happens only if the source of connections between the essential features of pedagogical phenomena is revealed. The paper defines “the course of connections” in the context of the "modification" category. The author identifies the key values (family, nation, nature, state, society), which historically set the sustainable tone to Russian family education and gives an inherent value to it. Moreover, the aauthor builds a thesaurus and describes the spiritual and moral values of family education.

The proposed theoretical approach allows us to see the origins and contradictions of pedagogical ideal of family education in modern Russian society. The value system applied to the Russian tradition forms the content of this ideal. The approach may also be applied for the research of stability and variability of pedagogical reality, as well as for the problem development of family education values in modern Russia.
Paper submitted on: 02/03/2015; Accepted on: 03/18/2015; Published online on: 03/23/2015.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15393/j5.art.2015.2725