Graumann O. History of teacher education in Germany and Western European countries. LIFELONG EDUCATION: The 21st Century.
2013. № 3. DOI: 10.15393/

Issue 3

Human and teaching resources of continuing education


History of teacher education in Germany and Western European countries

Graumann O
D.Sc., professor at the University of Hildesheim.
the pedagogy in Western Europe
school development in Germany
the history of teacher education in Germany
Great Britain
Abstract: the article outlines the history of pedagogical education in Western Europe from XVIII century to the present day. It is based on fundamental research of German scientists. The milestones of teacher education in Germany are considered amid a brief review of teacher education in Austria, France, Great Britain, and Italy. German state formation is associated in the article with the change in the educational needs of society, requirements for the content of teacher education, and criteria for teacher competence. The professionalisation of teaching in Germany and different types of educational institutions for teachers are presented. Furthermore, the historical figures that had an impact on education reforms in Germany are named (M. Luther, A. Franke, I. Kampe, W. von Humboldt, W. Rathke, I. Kant, J. Basedow, A. Disterveg, H. Nohl, etc.) Historical trends and controversies related to the influence of religion, social transformations, political ideas, and the ideas of the Enlightenment on the system of education are discussed in the article. Therefore, the historical background provides clarification on the origins of modern political debates and changes in Western European education. The author analyzes the similarities and differences in the development of teacher education system in Western European countries and points out the importance of the Bologna process changes and the opportunities for international cooperation in education.

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