International editorial board is glad to introduce the first issue of the scientific peer-reviewed on-line journal "Lifelong Education: the XXI Century". The journal will be published quarterly with the financial support of the Strategic Development Program (2012-2016) "The PetrSU complex in science learning environment of the European North: the strategy of innovative development".
The title of the journal reflects two dominant ideas. Lifelong learning as the space for personal development throughout the life. And XXI century as the time that brings a fundamentally different situation in the sphere of development of educational institutions to the global world. Using the communicative potential of the network space, we would like to promote the development of national theory and practice of lifelong education in accordance with the century challenges. For that purpose, authors and readers are given the opportunities for:
- open and active scientific discussion of the phenomenon of "lifelong learning";
- becoming familiar with the experience in the implementation of modern strategies and development programs of lifelong learning in Russia and abroad;
- informational cooperation for educational projects implementation in the field of lifelong learning;
- organization of collaborative on-line studies and providing an open access to them;
- presentation of portraits of people whose lives set a shining example of learning worthy of attention and scientific reflection.
- exchange of ideas between the participants involved in the formation of lifelong learning system.
- presentation of scientific reviews of recent remarkable publications (in Russia and abroad) relevant to the journal.
The first issue includes methodological materials that set international non-classical approach to the lifelong learning phenomenon as well as the articles demonstrating modern experience in the study and design of various levels and forms of lifelong learning in the regions of Russia.
The editorial board is open for cooperation with Russian and foreign researches, people involved in educational activities, teaching and self-education, media sphere employees, developers of educational software products and network information and training systems.
I.A.Kolesnikova, DSc, (Doctor of Education),
full professor, editor-in-chief.