2024. № 4 (48). DOI: 10.15393/j5.art.2024.9744

Issue 4 (48)

Human and teaching resources of continuing education



PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Social Pedagogy and Social Work
Omsk State Pedagogical University
(Omsk, Russian Federation)
secondary general education
social upbringing
Abstract: the study of the peculiarities of updating the thesaurus is the most urgent scientific problem due to the constant reform of education. The purpose of the article is to empirically determine the characteristics of the thesaurus of social upbringing among teaching staff in the educational situation of secondary general education. To achieve the goal, a questionnaire was developed, including two blocks of questions. The survey was conducted in January‒February 2024 on the basis of state comprehensive schools in Omsk and the Omsk region. The study surveyed 525 teachers. In the course of the study, the features of updating the thesaurus of social education of teaching staff in the educational situation of secondary general education were determined: the most widespread class of actively used concepts of social upbringing was the class of the key category; the meaning of pedagogical concepts of social upbringing, which are understood by teachers, is insufficient for the implementation and description of education; precise scientific definitions of the conceptual apparatus of social upbringing, known to teachers, are associated with its meta-subject area; new pedagogical concepts of social upbringing have replenished the active thesaurus of teachers singularly over the past three years; Self-assessment of the level of proficiency in pedagogical concepts of social upbringing among most teachers is average; the main forms of replenishment of the thesaurus of social upbringing by teachers are specially organized events; the preferred forms of replenishment of the thesaurus of social upbringing are advanced training courses and self-education; the factor influencing the updating of the thesaurus of social upbringing is organized. In addition, other conclusions were obtained that allow for a more targeted implementation of replenishment of the thesaurus of teachers.
Paper submitted on: 10/05/2024; Accepted on: 12/03/2024; Published online on: 12/26/2024.


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15393/j5.art.2024.9744