2024. № 2 (46). DOI: 10.15393/

Issue 2 (46)

Discussion platform



Mantulenko Valentina V.
PhD in Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Applied Management Department
Samara State University of Economics
(Samara, Russian Federation)
information security
information society
development prospects
Abstract: the relevance of this work is determined by the growing risks of an uncertain and unpredictable nature that accompany the process of digital transformation of our society, both on a global scale and on the scale of individual countries and regions. The formation of an information society, a society built on knowledge, on the one hand, creates a very specific request for the educational system of Russia, associated with the presence of graduates of various educational institutions with a certain set of interrelated competencies, the ability to function effectively and continuously develop in a digital and information-rich environment. On the other hand, the same society is characterized by a number of still unresolved problems and contradictions, issues related to the transformation of moral, value, ethical guidelines and principles of working with information, one of which is the topic of information security of a human, society, and state. As part of this study, it was important for us to consider current aspects of understanding the phenomenon of information security in the context of the development of a digital society, including in relation to the field of education and human personality development. The purpose of this work was to analyze current scientific works of Russian scientists devoted to the study of the phenomenon of «information security» of an individual in the context of education and posted on the e-Library platform from 2020 to 2024. The main methods used in this work include content analysis, the method of semantic analysis of scientific publications on the topic of information security, methods of generalization and systematization. The main results of the study show the complexity and multidimensionality of understanding the category of «personal information security», as well as the presence of certain asymmetry and gaps in the study of this phenomenon in the field of education at the present stage.
Paper submitted on: 05/01/2024; Accepted on: 06/06/2024; Published online on: 06/25/2024.


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