2024. № 2 (46). DOI: 10.15393/

Issue 2 (46)

Lifelong learning in the modern world: the research and design methodology



Bermus Alexandre G.
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Education and Pedagogical Sciences
South Federal University
(Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation)
continuing education; content of education; didactic materialism
didactic formalism
didactic pragmatism; content modeling
existential-phenomenological approach.
Abstract: the article is devoted to the analysis of existing gaps, problems and contradictions in the field of the theory of the content of education with the subsequent formulation of the theory foundations of the lifelong education content in modern conditions. The author examines the transformation problems for domestic teacher education, including: the «universityization» of teacher education and the implementation of Decree of the President of the Russian Federation on November 9, 2022 No. 809 «On approval of the State Policy Fundamentals for the Preservation and Strengthening of Traditional Spiritual and Moral Values». The solution to both problems stems from rethinking of the teacher education content. The publications' review revealed many gaps and contradictions associated with the phenomenon definition: the education content is reduced to similar but narrower categories, or there is a logical circle in the definition; or the concept is assumed to be intuitively «clear», which leads to the indistinguishability of conflicting interpretations (traditional, adaptive and innovative content of education). The study involves addressing the existential-phenomenological origins of the educational content theory. The result of the study is a five-level model for educational content, implemented as an expanded set of spaces, in each of which a certain complexity content is formed (the zero level corresponds to «unconscious» content, pre- and extra-conceptual experience; the first level – to book content, corresponding to the didactic materialism principles; the second level – to the dialogical content, embodied in the didactic formalism principles; the third – to the problem-activity content, representing didactic pragmatism; the fourth – to the traditional M. N. Skatkin ‒ I. Ya. Lerner cultural model content, and the fifth – to the multicultural education content, implemented in complex formats and environments). The research follow-up in the field of existential-phenomenological theory in the lifelong education content could suggest studying an effective means for solving several significant pedagogy problems. They include: overcoming contradictions between different approaches to the education content; ensuring the value unity of content models, clarifying the relationships between the content «core» and the variability educational trajectories, and between traditional and design installations.
Paper submitted on: 04/10/2024; Accepted on: 05/15/2024; Published online on: 06/25/2024.


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