2024. № 1 (45).
DOI: 10.15393/j5.art.2024.9186
Issue 1 (45) |
Problems of continuity of training and education in Russia |
| | Ignateva Elena Yu. Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Yaroslav-the-Wise Novgorod State University, St-Petersburg Academy of In-Service Pedagogical Education (Velikiy Novgorod, Sankt-Petersburg, Russian Federation) iey1@yandex.ru |
| | Shilova Ol’ga N. Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor St-Petersburg Academy of In-Service Pedagogical Education (Sankt-Petersburg, Russian Federation) olganshilova@gmail.com |
| | Kuzina Nadezhda N. PhD in Pedagogy, Associate professor St-Petersburg Academy of In-Service Pedagogical Education (Sankt-Petersburg, Russian Federation) nadezhdakuzina@yandex.ru |
Keywords: psychological-pedagogical classes monitoring the psychological-pedagogical classes activities continuous pedagogical education pre-professional training of students. |
Abstract: psychological and pedagogical classes as a pedagogical phenomenon are not an innovation. Interest in them arose at various periods in the history of Russian education and was due to the need for teaching staff. The current situation in Russian schools can be characterized as one of such periods. An important factor in the effectiveness of psycho-pedagogical classes as a pedagogical phenomenon is the condition for their inclusion and the definition of their role in the integral system of continuous pedagogical education. Monitoring as an effective mechanism for supporting the activities of psychological and pedagogical classes allows you to timely identify their condition, track the dynamics of changes, note problem situations and build a development perspective. This article presents the results of monitoring the experience of psychological and pedagogical classes in St. Petersburg. Monitoring was carried out in the following areas: regulatory and organizational conditions for the work of psychological and pedagogical classes; content, methods and forms of training; resource support for their activities; working with parents. Conclusions based on the results of qualitative and quantitative analysis of the activities of psychological and pedagogical classes, their interpretation made it possible to confirm the presence of problem areas in the organization of activities of psychological and pedagogical classes identified by other researchers, which indicates the presence of some systemic problems in the organization of this activity. The factual and analytical material presented in the article can be useful for a systematic analysis of the activities of psychological and pedagogical classes in the country, since the effectiveness of their activities largely determines the quality of teaching staff, and therefore the quality of education at all levels of the life-long education system.
Paper submitted on: 02/02/2024; Accepted on: 02/21/2024; Published online on: 03/21/2024.
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