2024. № 1 (45). DOI: 10.15393/j5.art.2024.9024

Issue 1 (45)

Labor Market and Lifelong Learning



Zhuravleva Marina V.
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Technology of Basic Organic and Petrochemical Synthesis named after Prof. G. H. Kamai
Kazan National Research Technological University
(Kazan, Russian Federation)
Mambetova Gulnaz Sh.
PhD in Chemistry, Associate Professor of the Department of Technology of Basic Organic and Petrochemical Synthesis named after Prof. G. H. Kamaya.
Kazan National Research Technological University
(Kazan, Russian Federation)
technological independence
engineering training
Abstract: the realization of national interests irrespective of the existing problems requires building up technological sovereignty, which implies reducing import dependence, increasing innovation activity and the growth rate of innovative products. The level of technological dependence varies for different sectors of the economy, the most unfavorable situation is observed in the IT-sector, machine building, oil and gas complex. The key subjects of solving the tasks of independent development of the industrial complex are engineering personnel possessing competences of technological development and quickly adapting to new scientific and technological challenges. The purpose of this study was identification of the requirements to the content and organisation of engineers' training to ensure technological independence of the industrial (oil and gas chemical) complex. The analysis of the content of engineering activity to achieve technological independence of the oil and gas chemical complex (OGCC) allowed to identify the requirements to the competence of engineers. The modelling of the process of training future engineers was carried out based on these data. It has been established that the expansion of the range of engineering activities to ensure technological independence requires the formation of technological development competences in engineers. The developed model shows the structure and innovative content of the educational process for the formation of actual engineering competences. Pedagogical experiment has shown the effectiveness of professional training of future engineers to solve multidimensional problems of scientific-technological and organisational-managerial character. The competence of graduates will accelerate the processes of introduction of new technologies and transformation of obsolete ones, import substitution, which contributes to the achievement of technological independence.
Paper submitted on: 02/13/2024; Accepted on: 03/11/2024; Published online on: 03/21/2024.


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15393/j5.art.2024.9024