2023. № 4 (44). DOI: 10.15393/j5.art.2023.8848

Issue 4 (44)

Innovative approaches to lifelong learning



Assistant of the Institute of Foreign Languages Moscow City Pedagogical University
Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology
(Moscow, Russian Federation)
Chinese language
Chinese for special purposes
technical Chinese
foreign languages
higher technical education
methods of teaching Chinese.
Abstract: China's entry into a high level of scientific and technological development has led to the relevance of the introduction of the discipline «Chinese for special purposes» in technical universities. Today, the Chinese language is becoming no less significant and promising than English for studying in high school. The training of highly qualified technical specialists with communicative competencies is one of the main tasks of modern education. However, from a methodological point of view, there are practically no methods and means of teaching Chinese within the framework of the discipline «Chinese for special purposes». In this regard, the purpose of this article is to substantiate the need to develop special methods of teaching Chinese at a technical university.
The methods used in a humanitarian university are obviously not suitable for the contingent of students of a technical university. This fact was proved through testing and questionnaires, in which more than 70 % of respondents turned out to be people with those types of intelligence that are peculiar only to people working in the technical industry who need a peculiar, special method of presenting language material. We have developed and proposed a methodology for studying the formation of technical terms in the Chinese language. In addition, the analysis of educational and methodological literature was carried out.
The author's methodology for studying complex terms in Chinese has been formed, which is advisable to use in a technical university. Analytically proved not only the relevance of the introduction of Chinese as a second mandatory foreign language for learning, but also the need to develop the latest methods of teaching Chinese at the university. In addition, the analysis of educational and methodological literature was carried out, and the necessity of developing a new textbook of the Chinese language for technical universities was substantiated. The conclusions reflect the key positions that we came to in the course of the study. The organization of Chinese language proficiency in a technical university is a methodologically complex problem of modern education. To master the discipline «Chinese for special purposes», an integrated approach is needed: the development and implementation of new teaching methods for students of non-linguistic universities, conceptual teaching aids that would reflect these methods and relevant language material.
Paper submitted on: 07/10/2023; Accepted on: 12/11/2023; Published online on: 12/26/2023.


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15393/j5.art.2023.8848