2023. № 4 (44).
DOI: 10.15393/j5.art.2023.8844
Issue 4 (44) |
Lifelong learning in the modern world: the research and design methodology |
| | TUFANOV Alexander O. Doctor of Philosophy, Rector State Institute of Economics, Finance, Law and Technology (Gatchina, Russian Federation) tufanov2010@yandex.ru |
| | REZINKINA Lilia V. Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Professional Education St. Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design (St. Petersburg, Russian Federation) lastik65@yandex.ru |
| | MOSHTAKOV Anton A. PhD in Pedagogical Sciences, Dean of Polytechnic Faculty State Institute of Economics, Finance, Law and Technology (Gatchina, Russian Federation) zxc5v67@yandex.ru |
Keywords: region vocational education model of development of regional education scientific technical and engineering education technical focus. |
Abstract: the article deals with the problem of designing an innovative model of regional scientific, technical and engineering education as a sustainable system that will contribute to the development of scientific and technical potential in the region and solving urgent problems of the economy of the Leningrad region. As a scientific basis for the construction of the model, the principles of scientific training, relying on the experience of successful international and domestic practices of advanced continuing education, are proposed. These provisions are seen in the projected model of the system of development of regional scientific, technical and engineering education as interrelated and interacting components that complement and expand the resources of each of them. The strategic objective in this direction is the scientific and conceptual justification of the system of continuing profes-sional education of a technical orientation in the interests of sustainable development of the region. In this regard, the possibility of modernization of institutional forms of continuing professional education in the region (colleges, institutes), as well as the resources of preschool and general education organizations for the formation of early professional orientation of children is investigated. The inclusion of all institutional levels of education in a single regional system of scientific, technical and engineering education will contribute to the gradual formation and development of a specialist who would meet the demands of the labor market and would be in demand by the employer, on the one hand, saturation of the region's economy with the necessary highly qualified personnel, on the other hand. The article describes in detail one of the components of this model – the Institute of Secondary vocational Education, which is an innovative platform of vocational education for working out the projected regional model and technologies of the future, promising for economic development and attractive for investment and entrepreneurial initiative.
Paper submitted on: 05/18/2023; Accepted on: 11/21/2023; Published online on: 12/26/2023.
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