2023. № 4 (44). DOI: 10.15393/j5.art.2023.8744

Issue 4 (44)

Modern scientific vocabulary of lifelong learning



Karelova Riya A.
PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor, Head of the Chair of Informational Technology
Ural Federal University, NizhniyTagil Technological Institute (branch)
(NizhniyTagil, Russian Federation)
end-to-end staff training
framing the concept
formal logical method
two-level triadic decoding method
categorical methods
integration of educational levels
coherence of educational levels
coherence of educational programs.
Abstract: in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, one way of professional training is a single training program consistently implemented at several educational levels. Such personnel training is partly included in the scope of set of terminological concepts but goes beyond them. We use the definition end-to-end as part of the constructed concept name. This choice is based on the figurative meaning of the name, which reveals the unity between the guidelines, content, and dynamics of the training process, permeating (through) several educational levels.The article aims to frame the terminological concept of end-to-end training.The research employed content analysis and categorical methods, namely the formal logical method and two-level triadic decoding, to achieve the abovementioned goal.The analysis of relevant literature enabled us to identify the main aspects of the object under study. They are the training structure components, interaction rules for these components, as well as the specific implementation features of such training. Having employed the formal logical method, we developed a brief definition of the concept. The first level of decoding revealed a triad of concepts. These, in our opinion, most fully characterize end-to-end training: Integration, Coherence, Principles [of realization]. The study emphasizes the significance of the state of agreement between the staff training components, which contributes to conflict resolution, thus ensuring the stable development of such training.At the second level of decoding, each category was represented by three decoding categories included in the definition of the concept.Using two-level triadic decoding as a scientific method enabled us to formulate a detailed definition of the «end-to-end staff training» concept.The study results contribute to the development of the personnel training theory; in particular, they expand its conceptual apparatus. Considering the integration of several components in such training, it is feasible to develop a compensatory homeos-tasis model, apply the goal sequencing method for its further study.The proposed definition can become the basis for developing a methodology for end-to-end staff training in various areas.
Paper submitted on: 12/22/2023; Accepted on: 12/11/2023; Published online on: 12/26/2023.


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15393/j5.art.2023.8744