2023. № 1 (41). DOI: 10.15393/

Issue 1 (41)

Modern scientific vocabulary of lifelong learning



MARKOVA Nataliia A.
Senior Lecturer, Postgraduate Student
Tomsk Polytechnic University
(Tomsk, Russian Federation)
adaptation training
foreign language
first-year student
technical university
mutation method
two-level triadic decoding method.
Abstract: many high school graduates often find a higher technical professional education incompatible with the study of humanities. For example, there is a strong belief that a foreign language is not decisive in professional training. In addition, often first-year students focus on natural and technical sciences. Considering that school knowledge level of a foreign language as a rule is lower than the level initially required for mastering the university program. For this reason, foreign language lecturers at university face serious challenges. It is necessary to help students with weak basic training master the educational program. One of the possible solutions to the problem is «adaptation training of a foreign language». The research is relevant because adaptation programs for students with low basic training, allow building an individual educational trajectory of the educational program. The aim of this article is to form a conceptual apparatus of the subject area of adaptation teaching of a foreign language, based on the categorical-systemic methodology. A new approach to the study of the essential aspects of the phenomenon and the formation of its conceptual field is proposed. Fundamental categories identified by the method of two-level triadic decoding and the method of mutations are presented. The resulting synthesized concepts describe the category systematically and fully enough. This will help researchers, teachers of higher education to form a unified approach to the consideration of the essence and various aspects of «adaptation training».
Paper submitted on: 12/26/2022; Accepted on: 02/21/2023; Published online on: 03/17/2023.


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