2023. № 1 (41). DOI: 10.15393/j5.art.2023.8252

Issue 1 (41)

Labor Market and Lifelong Learning



DANG Thi Than
Postgraduate student of the Department of Theory of Journalism and Mass Communication
St. Petersburg State University
(St. Petersburg, Russian Federation)
quality of training
bachelor's degree
Vietnam Academy of Journalism and Mass Communication.
Abstract: in the modern public life of any country, the press always occupies a very important place due to its characteristics of information presentation and social orientation. The quality and accuracy of press information largely depends on the ability and ethics of the journalist. In Vietnam, most of the reporters, journalists, editors working in newspapers, magazines, radio and TV stations are former graduates of journalism and mass communications faculties in Vietnam, such as the Vietnam Academy of Journalism and Mass Communication, Faculty of Journalism of Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities – Hanoi State University, Faculty of Journalism of Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities – Ho Chi Minh State University. This article presents the results of a study of the quality of student training in journalism and communication at the undergraduate level in Vietnam. It can be an information channel to help leaders of journalism schools conduct research and reviews to research and adjust the content of their curricula so that graduates can have professional knowledge and skills that meet society's standards.
Paper submitted on: 11/05/2022; Accepted on: 02/21/2023; Published online on: 03/17/2023.


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15393/j5.art.2023.8252