2022. № 1 (37). DOI: 10.15393/

Issue 1 (37)

Labor Market and Lifelong Learning



Head of Graduate School
Vologda Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences
(Vologda, Russian Federation)
women in science
measures to support women in science.
Abstract: year 2021 declared as the year of Science and Technology, drew attention not only to scientific achievements, but also to the personnel problems in scientific sphere and the problems of building a scientist's career in Russia. Professional presence in the scientific environment involves constant educational and qualification growth (postgraduate studies, dissertation defense, obtaining academic degrees and titles). The traditional role of women in the family and psycho-physiological gender characteristics are factors that make it difficult to build a successful and continuous scien-tific career. The goal of the article is to compare the representation of women in science at the Rus-sian and regional levels based on quantitative data. The data for the study were taken from federal and departmental statistics, scientific literature written by Russian authors, and data from sociologi-cal surveys. Such indicators as the number of women in graduate students, the number of women in researchers, including women with a degree, the number of women in the leadership of scientific organizations at both the Russian and regional levels (using the example of the Vologda Oblast) are analysed. The analysis showed that with the growth of a scientific career from a graduate student to the head of a scientific organization, the proportion of women has a clear downward trend at the Russian level, which is also typical for other countries. At the regional level, all indicators can be more evenly distributed. The article highlighted the fact that there are practically no special types of support for women scientists in Russia.
Paper submitted on: 01/15/2022; Accepted on: 03/14/2022; Published online on: 12/23/2024.


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