2021. № 4 (36). DOI: 10.15393/j5.art.2021.7170

Issue 4 (36)

Labor Market and Lifelong Learning



Kosmina Dmitrii V.
Master of Economics (MsA of Business development)
SzentIstván University
(Gedelle, Hungary)
international students
labour market
Abstract: the article deals with the problem of providing educational services online, in the context of the labor market stability and employment. The aim of the research is to study various aspects of online learning in the context of the distance learning technologies impact on the current educational process, as well as on the process of graduate employment. The study includes interviews with teachers, students, and employers in the Russian Federation and Hungary. In the analysis of student opinions, special emphasis was placed on foreign educational groups, as the most susceptible to being problematic ones in adapting the educational process. The study revealed aspects of the distance learning process that should be paid special attention to: the communication sphere, the psychological comfort of participants in the educational process. The employer survey showed the existence of stereotypes regarding the quality of distance learning in the labor market. As part of the analysis of the study results, specific recommendations were developed to overcome the identified problems.
Paper submitted on: 08/30/2021; Accepted on: 11/25/2021; Published online on: 12/26/2021.


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15393/j5.art.2021.7170