- Materialyi k publichnomu obsuzhdeniyu primernyih paketov diagnosticheskih metodik na osnove mezhdunarodnoy klassifikatsii funktsionirovaniya. Moskow : Moscow State University of Psychology and Education, 2015. 70 p. (In Russ.)
- Badge B., Hancock J., Waugh M. C. Evaluating pediatric brain injury service sin NSW. In: Child: Care, Health and Development. 2009. Vol. 36 (1). P. 54−62.
- Bedell G., Coster W. Measuring participation of school-age children with traumatic brain injuries: Considerations and approaches. In: Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation. 2008. № 23. P. 220−229.
- Brown K. S. et al. The efficacy of embedding special education instruction in teacher preparation programs in the United States. In: Teaching and Teacher Education: An International Journal of Research and Studies. 2008. Vol. 24. № 8. P. 2087–2094.
- Fisher D., Frey N., Thousand J. What do special educators need to know and be prepared to do for inclusive schooling to work? In: Teacher Education and Special Education. 2003. Vol. 26 (1). P. 42–50.
- Florian L. et al. Cross-Cultural Perspectives on the Classification of Children with Disabilities. In: The Journal of Special Education. 2006. Vol. 40 (1). P. 36−45.
- Haley S. M., Graham R. J., Dumas H. M. Outcome Rating Scales for Pediatric Head Injury. In: Journal of Intensive Care Medicine. 2004. Vol. 19 (4). P. 205−219.
- McConachie H. et al. Participation of disabled children: How should it be characterized and measured? In: Disability and Rehabilitation. 2006. № 28. P. 1157−1164.
- McDougall J. et al. Applying the ICF framework to study changes in quality-of-life in children with chronic conditions. In: Developmental Neurorehabilitation. 2011. Vol. 14 (1). P. 41−53.
- Schalock R. et al. Intellectual Disability: definition, classification and systems of supports. Washington : American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 2010. 259 p.
- Ziviani J. et al. Measures of participation outcomes and environmental considerations for children with acquired brain injury: A systematic review. In: Brain Impairment. 2010. Vol. 11 (2). P. 93−112.
- Mezhdunarodnaya klassifikatsiya funktsionirovaniya, ogranicheniy zhiznedeyatelnosti i zdorovya detey i podrostkov [International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health: Children & Youth Version (ICF-CY)] [Electronic resource]. S. l., 2016. Electron dan. URL: (date of acсess 27.04.2021). (In Russ.)
- Mezhdunarodnaya klassifikatsiya funktsionirovaniya, ogranicheniy zhiznedeyatelnosti i zdorovya VOZ [Electronic resource]. S. l., 2001. Electron dan. URL: (date of acсess 27.04.2021). (In Russ.)
- Metodicheskie osnovyi perehoda ot «Mezhdunarodnoy klassifikatsii narusheniy, ogranicheniy zhiznedeyatelnosti i sotsialnoy nedostatochnosti» k «Mezhdunarodnoy klassifikatsii funktsionirovaniya, ogranicheniya zhiznedeyatelnosti i zdorovya» dlya ispolzovaniya pri ustanovlenii invalidnosti u detey [Electronic resource]. Electron dan. URL: (date of acсess 27.04.2021). (In Russ.)
- Pismo Minobrnauki RF № 07-2618 ot 08.05.2018 g. «O rassmotrenii proekta prikaza “Ob utverzhdenii polozheniya psihologo-mediko-pedagogicheskoy komissii”» [Electronic resource]. Electron dan. URL: (date of acсess 27.04.2021). (In Russ.)
- Pismo Minobrnauki RF ot 23.05.2016 g. № VK-1074/07 «O sovershenstvovanii deyatelnosti psihologo-mediko-pedagogicheskih komissiy» [Electronic resource]. Electron dan. URL: (date of acсess 27.04.2021). (In Russ.)
- Postanovlenie Pravitelstva RF № 95 ot 20.02.2006 g. (s izmeneniyami na 26.11.2020 g.) «O poryadke i usloviyah priznaniya litsa invalidom» [Electronic resource]. Electron dan. URL: (date of acсess 27.04.2021). (In Russ.)
- Prikaz Ministerstva zdravoohraneniya RF ot 27 maya 1997 goda № 170 «O perehode organov i uchrezhdeniy zdravoohraneniya Rossiyskoy Federatsii na Mezhdunarodnuyu statisticheskuyu klassifikatsiyu bolezney i problem, svyazannyih so zdorovem X peresmotra» (s izmeneniyami na 12 yanvarya 1998 goda) [Electronic resource]. Electron dan. URL: (date of acсess 27.04.2021). (In Russ.)
- Prikaz Minobrnauki RF ot 20.09.2013 g. № 1082 «Ob utverzhdenii Polozheniya o psihologo-mediko-pedagogicheskoy komissii» [Electronic resource]. Electron dan. URL: (date of acсess 27.04.2021). (In Russ.)
- Prikaz Mintruda RF ot 13 iyunya 2017 g. № 486n «Ob utverzhdenii Poryadka razrabotki i realizatsii individualnoy programmyi reabilitatsii ili abilitatsii invalida, individualnoy programmyi reabilitatsii ili abilitatsii rebenka-invalida, vyidavaemyih federalnyimi gosudarstvennyimi uchrezhdeniyami mediko-sotsialnoy ekspertizyi, i ih form» [Electronic resource]. Electron dan. URL: (date of acсess 27.04.2021). (In Russ.)
- Prikaz Mintruda RF №585n ot 27.08.2019 g. «O klassifikatsiyah i kriteriyah, ispolzuemyih pri osuschestvlenii mediko-sotsialnoy ekspertizyi grazhdan federalnyimi gosudarstvennyimi uchrezhdeniyami mediko-sotsialnoy ekspertizyi» [Electronic resource]. Electron dan. URL: (date of acсess 27.04.2021). (In Russ.)
- Prikaz Mintruda RF ot 8 sentyabrya 2015 goda № 608n «Ob utverzhdenii professional’nogo standarta “Pedagog professional’nogo obucheniya, professional’nogo obrazovaniya i dopolnitel’nogo professional’nogo obrazovaniya”» [Electronic resource]. Electron dan. URL: (date of acсess 27.04.2021). (In Russ.)
- Federalnyiy zakon ot 24.11.1995 № 181-FZ «O sotsialnoy zaschite invalidov v Rossiyskoy Federatsii» [Electronic resource]. Electron dan. URL: (date of acсess 27.04.2021). (In Russ.)
- Federalnyiy zakon ot 29.12.2012 № 273-FZ «Ob obrazovanii v Rossiyskoy Federatsii» [Electronic resource]. Electron dan. URL: (date of acсess 27.04.2021). (In Russ.)
- A Guide for ensuring inclusion and equity in education [Electronic resource]. Electron dan. S. l., 2017. URL: (date of acсess 27.04.2021).
- An Introduction to ICD-11 [Electronic resource]. S. l., 2019. Electron dan. URL:|part-1-an-introduction-to-icd11|c1 (date of acсess 27.04.2021).
- Bedell G. The Child and Adolescent Scale of Participation : Administration and Scoring Guidelines [Electronic resource]. S. l., 2011. Electron dan. URL: (date of acсess 27.04.2021).
- Castro G. G., Nascimento L. C. G., Figueiredo G. L. A. Applicability of the ICF-CY in evaluating children with disabilities and family support: an integrative literature review [Electronic resource]. In: Revista CEFAC. 2019. Vol. 22 (1). Electron dan. URL: (date of acсess 27.04.2021).
- Child & Adolescent Scale of Participation [Electronic resource]. S. l., 2011. Electron dan. URL: (date of acсess 27.04.2021).
- Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities [Electronic resource]. S. l., 2006. Electron dan. URL: (date of acсess 27.04.2021).
- Coster W. J. et al. Psychometric evaluation of the Participation and Environment Measure for Children and Youth (PEMCY) [Electronic resource]. In: Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology. 2011. Vol. 53 (11). P. 1030–1037. Electron dan. URL: (date of acсess 27.04.2021).
- First national study of disability in Chile [Electronic resource]. S. l., 2004. Electron dan. URL: (date of acсess 27.04.2021).
- Health-2000-2011 [Electronic resource]. S. l., 2018. Electron dan. URL: (date of acсess 27.04.2021).
- Hollenweger J. Developing applications of the ICF in education systems: addressing issues of knowledge creation, management and transfer [Electronic resource]. Disabil Rehabil. 2013. Vol. 35 (13). P. 1087−1091. Electron dan. DOI: 10.3109/09638288.2012.740135 (date of acсess 27.04.2021).
- How to use the ICF: A practical manual for using the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) [Electronic resource]. S. l., 2003. Electron dan. URL: (date of acсess 27.04.2021).
- ICD-11 Reference Guide [Electronic resource]. S. l., 2021. Electron dan. URL:|links-with-other-classifications-and-terminologies|c1-1-6 (date of acсess 27.04.2021).
- ICF checklist. Version 2.1a. Clinician Form [Electronic resource]. S. l., 2003. Electron dan. URL: (date of acсess 27.04.2021).
- ICF e-learning [Electronic resource]. S. l., 2020. Electron dan. URL: (date of acсess 27.04.2021).
- International Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD) [Electronic resource]. S. l., 2018. Electron dan. URL: (date of acсess 27.04.2021).
- International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health: Children &Youth Version (ICF-CY) [Electronic resource]. S. l., 2007. Electron dan. URL: (date of acсess 27.04.2021).
- International Classification of Impairments, Disabilities, and Handicaps (ICIDH) [Electronic resource]. S. l., 1980. Electron dan. URL: (date of acсess 27.04.2021).
- Maxwell G., Alves I., Granlund M. Participation and environmental aspects in education and the ICF and the ICF-CY: findings from a systematic literature review [Electronic resource]. In: Dev Neurorehabil. 2012. Vol. 15 (1). P. 63−78. Electron dan. DOI: 10.3109/17518423.2011.633108 (date of acсess 27.04.2021).
- Model disability survey [Electronic resource]. S. l., 2017. Electron dan. URL: (date of acсess 27.04.2021).
- Model disability survey (MDS): survey manual. [Electronic resource]. S. l., 2017. Electron dan. URL: (date of acсess 27.04.2021).
- Moretti M., Alves I., Maxwell G. A systematic literature review of the situation of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health and the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health-Children and Youth version in education: a useful tool or a flight of fancy? [Electronic resource]. In: Am. J. Phys. Med. Rehabil. 2012. Vol. 91 (13. Suppl. 1). S. 103−117. Electron dan. DOI: 10.1097/PHM.0b013e31823d53b2 (date of acсess 27.04.2021).
- Oliva D. V. Barriers and resources to learning and participation of inclusive students [Electronic resource]. In: Psicol. USP. 2016. Vol. 27. № 3. P. 492−502. Electron dan. URL: (date of acсess 27.04.2021).
- Silveira-Maia M. et al. The Use of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) Framework on Educational Planning: Promoting an Environmental Approach [Electronic resource]. In: International Journal for Cross-Disciplinary Subjects in Education. 2012. № 2. P. 970−977. Electron dan. DOI: 10.20533/ijcdse.2042.6364.2012.0138 (date of acсess 27.04.2021).
- The International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) [Electronic resource]. S. l., 2001. Electron dan. URL:,a%20list%20of%20environmental%20factors (date of acсess 27.04.2021).
- The Participation and Environment Measure for Children and Youth (PEMCY). CanChild Webinar [Electronic resource]. 2012. Electron dan. URL: (date of acсess 27.04.2021).
- Towards a Common Language for Functioning, Disability and Health, ICF [Electronic resource]. S. l., 2002. Electron dan. URL: (date of acсess 27.04.2021).
- WHA54.21. International classification of functioning, disability and health [Electronic resource]. S. l., 2001. Electron dan. URL: (date of acсess 27.04.2021).
- WHO-FIC2006−A06−Executive Summary [Electronic resource]. S. l., WHO-FIC Network Meeting Archive, 2006. Electron dan. URL: (date of acсess 27.04.2021).
- World report on disability [Electronic resource]. S. l., 2011. Electron dan. URL: (date of acсess 27.04.2021).
1. Materialyi k publichnomu obsuzhdeniyu primernyih paketov diagnosticheskih metodik na osnove mezhdunarodnoy klassifikatsii funktsionirovaniya. Moskow : Moscow State University of Psychology and Education, 2015. 70 p. (In Russ.)
2. Badge B., Hancock J., Waugh M. C. Evaluating pediatric brain injury service sin NSW. In: Child: Care, Health and Development. 2009. Vol. 36 (1). P. 54−62.
3. Bedell G., Coster W. Measuring participation of school-age children with traumatic brain injuries: Considerations and approaches. In: Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation. 2008. № 23. P. 220−229.
4. Brown K. S. et al. The efficacy of embedding special education instruction in teacher preparation programs in the United States. In: Teaching and Teacher Education: An International Journal of Research and Studies. 2008. Vol. 24. № 8. P. 2087–2094.
5. Fisher D., Frey N., Thousand J. What do special educators need to know and be prepared to do for inclusive schooling to work? In: Teacher Education and Special Education. 2003. Vol. 26 (1). P. 42–50.
6. Florian L. et al. Cross-Cultural Perspectives on the Classification of Children with Disabilities. In: The Journal of Special Education. 2006. Vol. 40 (1). P. 36−45.
7. Haley S. M., Graham R. J., Dumas H. M. Outcome Rating Scales for Pediatric Head Injury. In: Journal of Intensive Care Medicine. 2004. Vol. 19 (4). P. 205−219.
8. McConachie H. et al. Participation of disabled children: How should it be characterized and measured? In: Disability and Rehabilitation. 2006. № 28. P. 1157−1164.
9. McDougall J. et al. Applying the ICF framework to study changes in quality-of-life in children with chronic conditions. In: Developmental Neurorehabilitation. 2011. Vol. 14 (1). P. 41−53.
10. Schalock R. et al. Intellectual Disability: definition, classification and systems of supports. Washington : American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 2010. 259 p.
11. Ziviani J. et al. Measures of participation outcomes and environmental considerations for children with acquired brain injury: A systematic review. In: Brain Impairment. 2010. Vol. 11 (2). P. 93−112.
12. Mezhdunarodnaya klassifikatsiya funktsionirovaniya, ogranicheniy zhiznedeyatelnosti i zdorovya detey i podrostkov [International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health: Children & Youth Version (ICF-CY)] [Electronic resource]. S. l., 2016. Electron dan. URL: (date of acсess 27.04.2021). (In Russ.)
13. Mezhdunarodnaya klassifikatsiya funktsionirovaniya, ogranicheniy zhiznedeyatelnosti i zdorovya VOZ [Electronic resource]. S. l., 2001. Electron dan. URL: (date of acсess 27.04.2021). (In Russ.)
14. Metodicheskie osnovyi perehoda ot «Mezhdunarodnoy klassifikatsii narusheniy, ogranicheniy zhiznedeyatelnosti i sotsialnoy nedostatochnosti» k «Mezhdunarodnoy klassifikatsii funktsionirovaniya, ogranicheniya zhiznedeyatelnosti i zdorovya» dlya ispolzovaniya pri ustanovlenii invalidnosti u detey [Electronic resource]. Electron dan. URL: (date of acсess 27.04.2021). (In Russ.)
15. Pismo Minobrnauki RF № 07-2618 ot 08.05.2018 g. «O rassmotrenii proekta prikaza “Ob utverzhdenii polozheniya psihologo-mediko-pedagogicheskoy komissii”» [Electronic resource]. Electron dan. URL: (date of acсess 27.04.2021). (In Russ.)
16. Pismo Minobrnauki RF ot 23.05.2016 g. № VK-1074/07 «O sovershenstvovanii deyatelnosti psihologo-mediko-pedagogicheskih komissiy» [Electronic resource]. Electron dan. URL: (date of acсess 27.04.2021). (In Russ.)
17. Postanovlenie Pravitelstva RF № 95 ot 20.02.2006 g. (s izmeneniyami na 26.11.2020 g.) «O poryadke i usloviyah priznaniya litsa invalidom» [Electronic resource]. Electron dan. URL: (date of acсess 27.04.2021). (In Russ.)
18. Prikaz Ministerstva zdravoohraneniya RF ot 27 maya 1997 goda № 170 «O perehode organov i uchrezhdeniy zdravoohraneniya Rossiyskoy Federatsii na Mezhdunarodnuyu statisticheskuyu klassifikatsiyu bolezney i problem, svyazannyih so zdorovem X peresmotra» (s izmeneniyami na 12 yanvarya 1998 goda) [Electronic resource]. Electron dan. URL: (date of acсess 27.04.2021). (In Russ.)
19. Prikaz Minobrnauki RF ot 20.09.2013 g. № 1082 «Ob utverzhdenii Polozheniya o psihologo-mediko-pedagogicheskoy komissii» [Electronic resource]. Electron dan. URL: (date of acсess 27.04.2021). (In Russ.)
20. Prikaz Mintruda RF ot 13 iyunya 2017 g. № 486n «Ob utverzhdenii Poryadka razrabotki i realizatsii individualnoy programmyi reabilitatsii ili abilitatsii invalida, individualnoy programmyi reabilitatsii ili abilitatsii rebenka-invalida, vyidavaemyih federalnyimi gosudarstvennyimi uchrezhdeniyami mediko-sotsialnoy ekspertizyi, i ih form» [Electronic resource]. Electron dan. URL: (date of acсess 27.04.2021). (In Russ.)
21. Prikaz Mintruda RF №585n ot 27.08.2019 g. «O klassifikatsiyah i kriteriyah, ispolzuemyih pri osuschestvlenii mediko-sotsialnoy ekspertizyi grazhdan federalnyimi gosudarstvennyimi uchrezhdeniyami mediko-sotsialnoy ekspertizyi» [Electronic resource]. Electron dan. URL: (date of acсess 27.04.2021). (In Russ.)
22. Prikaz Mintruda RF ot 8 sentyabrya 2015 goda № 608n «Ob utverzhdenii professional’nogo standarta “Pedagog professional’nogo obucheniya, professional’nogo obrazovaniya i dopolnitel’nogo professional’nogo obrazovaniya”» [Electronic resource]. Electron dan. URL: (date of acсess 27.04.2021). (In Russ.)
23. Federalnyiy zakon ot 24.11.1995 № 181-FZ «O sotsialnoy zaschite invalidov v Rossiyskoy Federatsii» [Electronic resource]. Electron dan. URL: (date of acсess 27.04.2021). (In Russ.)
24. Federalnyiy zakon ot 29.12.2012 № 273-FZ «Ob obrazovanii v Rossiyskoy Federatsii» [Electronic resource]. Electron dan. URL: (date of acсess 27.04.2021). (In Russ.)
25. A Guide for ensuring inclusion and equity in education [Electronic resource]. Electron dan. S. l., 2017. URL: (date of acсess 27.04.2021).
26. An Introduction to ICD-11 [Electronic resource]. S. l., 2019. Electron dan. URL:|part-1-an-introduction-to-icd11|c1 (date of acсess 27.04.2021).
27. Bedell G. The Child and Adolescent Scale of Participation : Administration and Scoring Guidelines [Electronic resource]. S. l., 2011. Electron dan. URL: (date of acсess 27.04.2021).
28. Castro G. G., Nascimento L. C. G., Figueiredo G. L. A. Applicability of the ICF-CY in evaluating children with disabilities and family support: an integrative literature review [Electronic resource]. In: Revista CEFAC. 2019. Vol. 22 (1). Electron dan. URL: (date of acсess 27.04.2021).
29. Child & Adolescent Scale of Participation [Electronic resource]. S. l., 2011. Electron dan. URL: (date of acсess 27.04.2021).
30. Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities [Electronic resource]. S. l., 2006. Electron dan. URL: (date of acсess 27.04.2021).
31. Coster W. J. et al. Psychometric evaluation of the Participation and Environment Measure for Children and Youth (PEMCY) [Electronic resource]. In: Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology. 2011. Vol. 53 (11). P. 1030–1037. Electron dan. URL: (date of acсess 27.04.2021).
32. First national study of disability in Chile [Electronic resource]. S. l., 2004. Electron dan. URL: (date of acсess 27.04.2021).
33. Health-2000-2011 [Electronic resource]. S. l., 2018. Electron dan. URL: (date of acсess 27.04.2021).
34. Hollenweger J. Developing applications of the ICF in education systems: addressing issues of knowledge creation, management and transfer [Electronic resource]. Disabil Rehabil. 2013. Vol. 35 (13). P. 1087−1091. Electron dan. DOI: 10.3109/09638288.2012.740135 (date of acсess 27.04.2021).
35. How to use the ICF: A practical manual for using the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) [Electronic resource]. S. l., 2003. Electron dan. URL: (date of acсess 27.04.2021).
36. ICD-11 Reference Guide [Electronic resource]. S. l., 2021. Electron dan. URL:|links-with-other-classifications-and-terminologies|c1-1-6 (date of acсess 27.04.2021).
37. ICF checklist. Version 2.1a. Clinician Form [Electronic resource]. S. l., 2003. Electron dan. URL: (date of acсess 27.04.2021).
38. ICF e-learning [Electronic resource]. S. l., 2020. Electron dan. URL: (date of acсess 27.04.2021).
39. International Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD) [Electronic resource]. S. l., 2018. Electron dan. URL: (date of acсess 27.04.2021).
40. International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health: Children &Youth Version (ICF-CY) [Electronic resource]. S. l., 2007. Electron dan. URL: (date of acсess 27.04.2021).
41. International Classification of Impairments, Disabilities, and Handicaps (ICIDH) [Electronic resource]. S. l., 1980. Electron dan. URL: (date of acсess 27.04.2021).
42. Maxwell G., Alves I., Granlund M. Participation and environmental aspects in education and the ICF and the ICF-CY: findings from a systematic literature review [Electronic resource]. In: Dev Neurorehabil. 2012. Vol. 15 (1). P. 63−78. Electron dan. DOI: 10.3109/17518423.2011.633108 (date of acсess 27.04.2021).
43. Model disability survey [Electronic resource]. S. l., 2017. Electron dan. URL: (date of acсess 27.04.2021).
44. Model disability survey (MDS): survey manual. [Electronic resource]. S. l., 2017. Electron dan. URL: (date of acсess 27.04.2021).
45. Moretti M., Alves I., Maxwell G. A systematic literature review of the situation of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health and the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health-Children and Youth version in education: a useful tool or a flight of fancy? [Electronic resource]. In: Am. J. Phys. Med. Rehabil. 2012. Vol. 91 (13. Suppl. 1). S. 103−117. Electron dan. DOI: 10.1097/PHM.0b013e31823d53b2 (date of acсess 27.04.2021).
46. Oliva D. V. Barriers and resources to learning and participation of inclusive students [Electronic resource]. In: Psicol. USP. 2016. Vol. 27. № 3. P. 492−502. Electron dan. URL: (date of acсess 27.04.2021).
47. Silveira-Maia M. et al. The Use of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) Framework on Educational Planning: Promoting an Environmental Approach [Electronic resource]. In: International Journal for Cross-Disciplinary Subjects in Education. 2012. № 2. P. 970−977. Electron dan. DOI: 10.20533/ijcdse.2042.6364.2012.0138 (date of acсess 27.04.2021).
48. The International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) [Electronic resource]. S. l., 2001. Electron dan. URL:,a%20list%20of%20environmental%20factors (date of acсess 27.04.2021).
49. The Participation and Environment Measure for Children and Youth (PEMCY). CanChild Webinar [Electronic resource]. 2012. Electron dan. URL: (date of acсess 27.04.2021).
50. Towards a Common Language for Functioning, Disability and Health, ICF [Electronic resource]. S. l., 2002. Electron dan. URL: (date of acсess 27.04.2021).
51. WHA54.21. International classification of functioning, disability and health [Electronic resource]. S. l., 2001. Electron dan. URL: (date of acсess 27.04.2021).
52. WHO-FIC2006−A06−Executive Summary [Electronic resource]. S. l., WHO-FIC Network Meeting Archive, 2006. Electron dan. URL: (date of acсess 27.04.2021).
53. World report on disability [Electronic resource]. S. l., 2011. Electron dan. URL: (date of acсess 27.04.2021).