2021. № 2 (34). DOI: 10.15393/

Issue 2 (34)

Lifelong learning in the modern world: the research and design methodology



Litvin Dmitriy V
PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor, Deputy Head of Department of the Organization of Fire and Physical Training
The MIA Academy of Management
(Moscow, Russian Federation)
personal development
educational environment
continuing education
subjective approach
systems approach
Abstract: the personality and developmental potential of the continuous education environment in the internal affairs bodies on the basis of the subjective approach is investigated. The article is based on the results of the author's research, which revealed tendencies towards a contradiction between the meaningfulness of life guidelines of employees of internal affairs bodies, their focus on education and the expressiveness of their reflexivity. The personal development potential of the lifelong learning environment is considered within the frames of personal and environmental interaction strategies. The status positions of the personality do not strictly correlate with the developed personality, although they can act as prerequisites for the development. We regard the personal development in the aspect of the social essence of a person as associated with the ability to self-justification, self-determination, and self-realization. The characteristic of personality self-realization is expressed by the dynamics of the subject-personal position of adults in the service and educational environment (in the refraction of the properties of personality development - heterochronism, eventivity, and situationalness). The dialectical accumulation and resolution of personal contradictions accompanies a qualitatively new level of personal development, therefore, it should accompany the desired result of the person's retention in the educational environment. Reflexivity in the personal organization acts as a connecting element between the subjective perception of activity and the very possibility of development. In the subordination and disciplinary space of the profession, legal norms claim the role of a moral imperative. A pragmatic approach to assessing the personal development of an employee of the internal affairs bodies does not exclude the recognition of a positive stable state of a personal organization in accordance with the corporate pattern. At the same time, the strategies of the personal development of adults are assessed by us as unfavorable when high values of life-meaning orientations are demonstrated with a negative correlation with reflexivity.
Paper submitted on: 02/24/2021; Accepted on: 04/30/2021; Published online on: 06/26/2021.


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