- Abulkhanova K. A. Time of personality and her life path. In: Chelovek i mir. 2017. № 1. T. 1. P. 165‒200. (In Russ.)
- Abulkhanova K. A. Ideality or reality of the subject. In: Sub"ekt i lichnost' v psihologii samoregulyacii. Stavropol, 2007. P. 31–45. (In Russ.)
- Alekseenko I. N. Stanovlenie professional'noj sub"ektnosti lichnosti v obrazovatel'nom prostranstve sovremennoj Rossii : avtoref. dis. ... dok. filos. nauk. Rostov-on-Don, 2019. 370 p. (In Russ.)
- Antsyferova L. I. Development of personality and problems of gerontopsychology. Moscow, 2006. 510 p. (In Russ.)
- Asmolov A. G. Psychology of personality : principles of general psychological analysis. Moscow, 2002. 414 p. (In Russ.)
- Babansky Yu. K. Selected pedagogical works. Moscow. 1989. 558 p. (In Russ.)
- Brushlinsky A. V. Problems of the subject's psychology. Moscow, 1994. 109 p. (In Russ.)
- Danilov M. A., Boldyrev N. I., Gurova R. G. Problems of pedagogical methodology and research methods. Moscow. 1971. 349 p. (In Russ.)
- Karpov A. V. Reflexivity as a mental property and the method of its diagnosis. In: Psihologicheskij zhurnal. 2003. T. 24. № 5. P. 45–57. (In Russ.)
- Klementyeva M. V. Biograficheskaya refleksiya vo vzroslom vozraste : soderzhanie, funkcii, genez : Dis. dokt. psih. nauk. St. Petersburg, 2018. 530 p. (In Russ.)
- Leonova E. V. Stanovlenie sub"ektnosti v normativnyh vozrastnyh i obrazovatel'nyh krizisah. Diss. ... dokt. psih. nauk. Moscow, 2016. 335 p. (In Russ.)
- Leontiev D. A. Personal in personality : personal potential as the basis of self-determination. In: Uchenye zapiski kafedry obshchej psihologii MGU im. M. V. Lomonosova. Vol. 1. Moscow, 2002. P. 56‒65. (In Russ.)
- Leontiev D. A. Test of Life-Meaningful Orientations (LMO). Moscow, 2000. 18 p. (In Russ.)
- Leontiev D. A. Philosophy of life of M. Mamardashvili and its significance for psychology. In: Kul'turno-istoricheskaya psihologiya. 2011. Vol. 7. № 1. P. 2‒12. (In Russ.)
- Leontiev D. A. What gives psychology the concept of a subject : subjectivity as a dimension of personality. In: Epistemologiya i filosofiya nauki. 2010. Т. XXV. № 3. P. 136‒153. (In Russ.)
- Lisova O. E. Refleksivnye mekhanizmy vospriyatiya lichnosti sotrudnikov MVD Rossii : avtoref. dis. ... kand. psich. nauk. Moscow, 2011. 24 p. (In Russ.)
- Milinis O. A. Sub"ektno-orientirovannyj podhod k razvitiyu kul'tury tvorcheskoj samorealizacii studentov-pedagogov v kreativnoj obrazovatel'noj deyatel'nosti : avtoref. dis. ... dokt. ped. nauk. Kazan, 2012. 50 p. (In Russ.)
- Mitina L. M. The system «science-education-profession» as a strategic resource and innovative implementation of the development of human capital in society of the XXI century. In: Nauka – obrazovanie – professiya: sistemnyj lichnostno-razvivayushchij podhod. Moscow, 2019. P. 5–12. (In Russ.)
- Nesterova A. Yu. Didakticheskie usloviya stanovleniya sub"ektnoj pozicii pedagoga v sisteme dopolnitel'nogo professional'nogo obrazovaniya. Dis. kand. ped. nauk. Moscow, 2018. 204 p. (In Russ.)
- Rean A. A. Psychology of the study of personality. St. Petersburg. 1999. 288 p. (In Russ.)
- Seryi A. V. System of personal meanings: structure, functions, dynamics. Kemerovo, 2004. 272 p. (In Russ.)
- Sukhova L. V. Sistema podgotovki specialistov k inoyazychnoj kommunikacii v professional'noj sfere: sub"ektnyj podhod: avtoref. dis. … dokt. ped. nauk. Volgograd, 2010. 40 p. (In Russ.)
- Yakobson P. M. Psychological components and criteria for the formation of a mature personality. In: Psihologicheskij zhurnal. 1981. № 4. P. 142–147. (In Russ.)
- Litvin D. V. Reflection of meanings and peculiarities of subjectivity of employees of internal affairs bodies in the environment of continuous education. [Electronic resource]. In: Prikladnaya psihologiya i pedagogika. 2021. Т. 6. № 2. P. 70‒89. Electron dan. URL: (date of acсess 21.04.2021). (In Russ.)
- Personal developmental education : scientific school of V. V. Serikov [Electronic resource]. Sajt Instituta strategii razvitiya obrazovaniya Rossijskoj akademii obrazovaniya. Electron dan. URL: (date of acсess 20.02.2021). (In Russ.)
- Serikov V. V. Personal-developmental function of continuous education. [Electronic resource]. In: Nepreryvnoe obrazovanie: XXI vek [Lifelong education: the XXI century]. 2013. № 1. Electron dan. DOI: 10.15393/ (date of acсess 21.04.2021). (In Russ.)
- On the Disciplinary Charter of the Internal Affairs Bodies of the Russian Federation: Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated October 14, 2012. ConsultantPlus [Electronic resource]. [Moscow], 2012. Electron dan. URL: (date of acсess 20.02.2021). (In Russ.)
1. Abulkhanova K. A. Time of personality and her life path. In: Chelovek i mir. 2017. № 1. T. 1. P. 165‒200. (In Russ.)
2. Abulkhanova K. A. Ideality or reality of the subject. In: Sub"ekt i lichnost' v psihologii samoregulyacii. Stavropol, 2007. P. 31–45. (In Russ.)
3. Alekseenko I. N. Stanovlenie professional'noj sub"ektnosti lichnosti v obrazovatel'nom prostranstve sovremennoj Rossii : avtoref. dis. ... dok. filos. nauk. Rostov-on-Don, 2019. 370 p. (In Russ.)
4. Antsyferova L. I. Development of personality and problems of gerontopsychology. Moscow, 2006. 510 p. (In Russ.)
5. Asmolov A. G. Psychology of personality : principles of general psychological analysis. Moscow, 2002. 414 p. (In Russ.)
6. Babansky Yu. K. Selected pedagogical works. Moscow. 1989. 558 p. (In Russ.)
7. Brushlinsky A. V. Problems of the subject's psychology. Moscow, 1994. 109 p. (In Russ.)
8. Danilov M. A., Boldyrev N. I., Gurova R. G. Problems of pedagogical methodology and research methods. Moscow. 1971. 349 p. (In Russ.)
9. Karpov A. V. Reflexivity as a mental property and the method of its diagnosis. In: Psihologicheskij zhurnal. 2003. T. 24. № 5. P. 45–57. (In Russ.)
10. Klementyeva M. V. Biograficheskaya refleksiya vo vzroslom vozraste : soderzhanie, funkcii, genez : Dis. dokt. psih. nauk. St. Petersburg, 2018. 530 p. (In Russ.)
11. Leonova E. V. Stanovlenie sub"ektnosti v normativnyh vozrastnyh i obrazovatel'nyh krizisah. Diss. ... dokt. psih. nauk. Moscow, 2016. 335 p. (In Russ.)
12. Leontiev D. A. Personal in personality : personal potential as the basis of self-determination. In: Uchenye zapiski kafedry obshchej psihologii MGU im. M. V. Lomonosova. Vol. 1. Moscow, 2002. P. 56‒65. (In Russ.)
13. Leontiev D. A. Test of Life-Meaningful Orientations (LMO). Moscow, 2000. 18 p. (In Russ.)
14. Leontiev D. A. Philosophy of life of M. Mamardashvili and its significance for psychology. In: Kul'turno-istoricheskaya psihologiya. 2011. Vol. 7. № 1. P. 2‒12. (In Russ.)
15. Leontiev D. A. What gives psychology the concept of a subject : subjectivity as a dimension of personality. In: Epistemologiya i filosofiya nauki. 2010. Т. XXV. № 3. P. 136‒153. (In Russ.)
16. Lisova O. E. Refleksivnye mekhanizmy vospriyatiya lichnosti sotrudnikov MVD Rossii : avtoref. dis. ... kand. psich. nauk. Moscow, 2011. 24 p. (In Russ.)
17. Milinis O. A. Sub"ektno-orientirovannyj podhod k razvitiyu kul'tury tvorcheskoj samorealizacii studentov-pedagogov v kreativnoj obrazovatel'noj deyatel'nosti : avtoref. dis. ... dokt. ped. nauk. Kazan, 2012. 50 p. (In Russ.)
18. Mitina L. M. The system «science-education-profession» as a strategic resource and innovative implementation of the development of human capital in society of the XXI century. In: Nauka – obrazovanie – professiya: sistemnyj lichnostno-razvivayushchij podhod. Moscow, 2019. P. 5–12. (In Russ.)
19. Nesterova A. Yu. Didakticheskie usloviya stanovleniya sub"ektnoj pozicii pedagoga v sisteme dopolnitel'nogo professional'nogo obrazovaniya. Dis. kand. ped. nauk. Moscow, 2018. 204 p. (In Russ.)
20. Rean A. A. Psychology of the study of personality. St. Petersburg. 1999. 288 p. (In Russ.)
21. Seryi A. V. System of personal meanings: structure, functions, dynamics. Kemerovo, 2004. 272 p. (In Russ.)
22. Sukhova L. V. Sistema podgotovki specialistov k inoyazychnoj kommunikacii v professional'noj sfere: sub"ektnyj podhod: avtoref. dis. … dokt. ped. nauk. Volgograd, 2010. 40 p. (In Russ.)
23. Yakobson P. M. Psychological components and criteria for the formation of a mature personality. In: Psihologicheskij zhurnal. 1981. № 4. P. 142–147. (In Russ.)
24. Litvin D. V. Reflection of meanings and peculiarities of subjectivity of employees of internal affairs bodies in the environment of continuous education. [Electronic resource]. In: Prikladnaya psihologiya i pedagogika. 2021. Т. 6. № 2. P. 70‒89. Electron dan. URL: (date of acсess 21.04.2021). (In Russ.)
25. Personal developmental education : scientific school of V. V. Serikov [Electronic resource]. Sajt Instituta strategii razvitiya obrazovaniya Rossijskoj akademii obrazovaniya. Electron dan. URL: (date of acсess 20.02.2021). (In Russ.)
26. Serikov V. V. Personal-developmental function of continuous education. [Electronic resource]. In: Nepreryvnoe obrazovanie: XXI vek [Lifelong education: the XXI century]. 2013. № 1. Electron dan. DOI: 10.15393/ (date of acсess 21.04.2021). (In Russ.)
27. On the Disciplinary Charter of the Internal Affairs Bodies of the Russian Federation: Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated October 14, 2012. ConsultantPlus [Electronic resource]. [Moscow], 2012. Electron dan. URL: (date of acсess 20.02.2021). (In Russ.)