2021. № 1 (33). DOI: 10.15393/j5.art.2021.6688

Issue 1 (33)

Innovative approaches to lifelong learning



Zorina Elena E.
Ph. D in Pedagogy, Associate professor at the Сhair of Intercultural Communications and General Liberal Arts
Financial University affiliated to the Government of the Russian Federation
(Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation)
inclusive education
foreign language
multisensory approach
individual learning route
job-related communication.
Abstract: the globalised labor market requires specialists skilled at a foreign language, which enables students with disabilities to receive quality higher education and become employed. The selection of effective interaction forms, learning and teaching techniques, and educational technologies is still under study as it relates to meeting the students’ special educational needs to acquire foreign language skills in job-related university classes. The research aims to describe the teaching support and effective educational technologies, which enhance the foreign language acquisition for university students with special educational needs. The article focuses on combining interaction forms (whole-class, pair, group, and individual work) in job-related university classes. The author determines the main teaching aids, which allow students with vision, hearing, and mobility impairments to acquire foreign language skills; compensation aids are also listed. The article explains the need to use healthy technology in foreign language classes. The implementation of interactive and information technologies results in stimulating cognition in university students with special educational needs. To sum up, an overview of the teaching support and effective educational technologies reveals effective ways to meet the needs of students’ special educational needs while they acquire foreign language skills together with other students in job-related university classes.
Paper submitted on: 11/26/2020; Accepted on: 12/22/2024; Published online on: 03/26/2021.


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15393/j5.art.2021.6688