2021. № 1 (33). DOI: 10.15393/j5.art.2021.6687

Issue 1 (33)

Problems of continuity of training and education in Russia



Miroshnichenko Vlada V.
Ph. D in Pedagogy, associated professor at the Chair of Pedagogy and Methodology of Primary School
Khakass State University
(Abakan, Russian Federation)
school with a native (non-Russian) language of instruction
regional and ethnocultural characteristics
professional training of a teacher of the native (non-Russian) language at a university.
Abstract: the article is devoted to the problem of training teachers of the native (non-Russian) language of instruction under modern conditions on the basis of the Republic of Khakassia. The main sources and directions of research in the training of teachers of the native (non-Russian) language are presented in the overview. The peculiarities of professional activities of teachers of the native (non-Russian) language are indicated. A pilot study is described, the purpose of which was to establish the readiness of future teachers of the Khakass language to work in schools with their native (non-Russian) language of instruction. The article provides the rationale for the developed diagnostic complex of techniques, including suggested by the author. The results of the study are presented, confirming the insufficient preparedness of future teachers of the Khakass language to work at schools with their native (non-Russian) language of instruction. Based on these results, the author of the article draws conclusions that the readiness of future teachers of the Khakass language does not fully comply with the teaching requirements, reflected in the local regulatory documents. The ways of solving the problem under study are substantiated in the article.
Paper submitted on: 12/22/2024; Accepted on: 12/22/2024; Published online on: 03/26/2021.


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15393/j5.art.2021.6687