2020. № 3 (31). DOI: 10.15393/

Issue 3 (31)

Labor Market and Lifelong Learning



Junior research associate at the Institute of Economy; leading specialist at the Center of Budget Monitoring
Karelian Scientific Center of Russian Academy of Sciences; Petrozavodsk State University
(Petrozavodsk, Russian Federation)
GURTOV Valery A.
Doctor of Physical-Mathematic Sciences, professor, Director of the Center of Budget Monitoring
Petrozavodsk State University
(Petrozavodsk, Russian Federation)
Russian Arctic zone; youth; vocational education system.
Abstract: in the Russian Arctic zone there is still the remaining problem of the shortage of qualified personnel in the economy, which the regional vocational education system is called to level. School graduates are the main subject of the functioning of the vocational education system. Therefore the urgent problem is the conformity of the possibilities of the vocational education system to accept and train at the expense of the budget of school graduates of the region. Given the shortage of personnel, a decrease in the number and migration outflow of young people from the regions, for the Arctic, the issue of training demanded personnel is especially relevant. The study focuses on the characteristics of the demographic situation and the position of youth in the labor market of the Arctic regions. The authors analyzed a large array of statistical indicators. On this basis calculations have been made that characterize the potential of the vocational education system of the subjects of the Arctic zone. The research is based on general scientific methods, as well as comparison and mathematical modeling. Thus, the article is to analyze the potential of the vocational education system of the regions and bleaching territories of the Russian Arctic zone in training personnel through the use of their own «regional capital» – graduates of schools in grades 9 and 11. At present, without the introduction of new elements of the organization of vocational training, the vocational education system in most of the Arctic regions cannot provide the entire volume of school graduates with the development of an educational program in their native region.
Paper submitted on: 07/12/2020; Accepted on: 09/01/2020; Published online on: 09/25/2020.


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