2020. № 3 (31). DOI: 10.15393/j5.art.2020.6045

Issue 3 (31)

Lifelong learning in the modern world: the research and design methodology



doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, professor
St-Petersburg Academy of In-Service Pedagogical Education
(Sankt-Petersburg, Russian Federation)
doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, professor
Yaroslav-the-Wise Novgorod State University,St-Petersburg Academy of In-Service Pedagogical Education
(Novgorod, Sankt-Petersburg, Russian Federation)
doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, professor
St-Petersburg Academy of In-Service Pedagogical Education
(Sankt-Petersburg, Russian Federation)
blended learning
mass blended learning format
digital learning environment
digital transformation of education
teacher’s readiness for blended learning.
Abstract: the article is devoted to the substantiation of the possibility and expediency for switching to the mass format of blended learning under conditions of transformation in education. The article is based on the results of theoretical analysis of information sources, generalization and conceptual synthesis, as well as the results of the online survey on secondary school teachers willingness to transfer to blended learning. The hypothesis on didactic principle in learning process between inner motivation on one hand and self-reliance and responsibility on the other hand is formulated. The authors summarize the main challenges of learning experienced in the period of pandemic while using digital platforms, services and resources en masse. The challenges mostly are connected with rethinking the basic pedagogical concepts (self-organization learning, self-reliance, digital skills, learning motivation, content of education, etc.). The authors present pedagogical interpretation of the phenomenon of the digital educational environment from a position of relational approach. In conclusion the SWOT analysis results of blended learning is given. The blended learning potential to solve the issue of adapting education to specific circumstances of digital society are highlighted. The biggest threat is in unconsidered and pedagogically meaningless attempts of introduction digital technologies. As such, the authors conclude that it is impossible to transfer the traditional learning model to a digital one.
Paper submitted on: 08/04/2020; Accepted on: 09/01/2020; Published online on: 09/25/2020.


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15393/j5.art.2020.6045