2020. № 2 (30). DOI: 10.15393/

Issue 2 (30)

Human and teaching resources of continuing education



Božik Roman
PhD, Faculty of Humanities, Department of School Education
Univerzit Tomáše Bati
(Zlín, Czech Republic)
prevention programme
social pathology
drug consumption
socio-pathological phenomena.
Abstract: schools must imperatively react to constant and rapid developments in all spheres of social life, thus placing ever higher demands on them. Schools are one of the crucial actors in education and socialisation, but can also be a place where a pupil first encounters elements of social pathology such as drug consumption, bullying, criminality, physical and mental abuse etc. According to some studies, pupils from dysfunctional families, not doing well at school, with a high potential for aggression, who are unable to submit to the rules of school behaviour and create their own value preferences are at higher risk of failure. For this reason, school plays an important role in the process of prevention of socio-pathological phenomena. As far as preventing drug addiction in children and youth is concerned, it is necessary to create and identify internally with positive social standards which might form certain barriers in individuals at risk of pathological behaviour. Children must be given space to discover themselves, their moral qualities, their insufficiencies, and above all to shape their own self-respect. And it is the very environment of the school which provides space for meeting these needs, as well as being a space where each prevention programme can be expertly planned and carried out.
Paper submitted on: 03/03/2020; Accepted on: 05/06/2020; Published online on: 06/26/2020.


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