2020. № 2 (30). DOI: 10.15393/j5.art.2020.5687

Issue 2 (30)

Learning throughout the life


CHILDRENS MUSIC SCHOOL OF THE SECOND HALF XXI CENTURY (reconstructions based on modern memoirs)

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor at the Department of Pedagogical Sciences
Moscow City University
(Moscow, Russian Federation)
PhD in Pedagogical Sciences, Associate professor at the Department of Pedagogical Sciences
Moscow City University
(Moscow, Russian Federation)
children's music school as a social institution
results of children's music education
history of extracurricular education in the USSR
focused structured interview
education as social reproduction.
Abstract: the relevance of the research on the reconstruction of the results of children's music schools in the second half of the twentieth century is due to a number of reasons: the mass nature of this type of organizations, both in the Soviet period and at the present time; the ability to record the results in 25–50 years after graduation, the presence of theoretical grounds for constructing a scheme of results of activities, the development of appropriate tools in sociological science (interviews). The empirical part of the study involved conducting a retrospective structured interview with narrative elements, the sample consisted of 73 respondents. In accordance with the scheme of interpretation of interview materials developed on the basis of analysis of texts on the sociology of education, theory and methodology of music education, it was possible to record the following results: reproduction of socio-professional groups of musicians and music teachers; formation of consumer standards of the population in the sphere of musical culture; formation of necessary social and professional qualities in representatives of these groups. The interviews allowed for the actual level to confirm the legality of the scheme and also specify the schema of certain parameters (the proportion continuing their education, the proportion engaged in music professionally, the proportion identifying with our music as their profession, the proportion practicing in your spare time from home music, etc.). The special attitude of graduates to classical samples of musical art testifies to the effectiveness of the impact of training in DMSH. The main educational results of training in a music school can be noted: the formation of a value attitude to music, the development of musicality and ability to perform musical works. Special attention should be paid to the institutional results of the music school-the development of the emotional and volitional sphere of students (self-regulation, self-organization, self-discipline, responsibility, both in the value and operational sense).
Paper submitted on: 03/20/2020; Accepted on: 05/15/2020; Published online on: 06/26/2020.


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15393/j5.art.2020.5687