2020. № 2 (30). DOI: 10.15393/

Issue 2 (30)

Lifelong learning in the modern world: the research and design methodology



Doctor of Biology, professor, leading researcher
Institute of Education Development Strategy of Russian Education Academy
(Moscow, Russian Federation)
environmental culture
culture of sustainable development
general education.
Abstract: the ideas about the role of modern ecological culture as the basis of the emerging culture of sustainable development began to take shape at the beginning of the 21st century. The article considers the relation-ship of environmental culture and culture of sustainable development, as well as the cultural foundations of their continuity. The concepts of «culture», «continuity» and «sustainable development» are compared. The features of cultural reproduction in the global world are analyzed. The methodological problem of the continuity of cultural development in the global world is formulated as a factor in its sustainable devel-opment. The concepts of «culture» and «culture of sustainable development», «environmental culture» and «environmental culture for sustainable development» are differentiated and compared. Ecological culture for sustainable development is presented as a stage in the formation of a culture of sustainable de-velopment. The features of a culture of sustainable development as a condition and driving force of the economic, social and environmental development of society are considered. The role of the core of culture as a factor in its continuity and integrity is substantiated. The pedagogical problems facing pedagogy on the formation of the foundations of a culture of sustainable development are formulated.
Paper submitted on: 04/25/2020; Accepted on: 05/15/2020; Published online on: 06/26/2020.


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