2019. № 4 (28). DOI: 10.15393/j5.art.2019.5155

Issue 4 (28)

Labor Market and Lifelong Learning



Loktyukhina Natalya V.
Holder of an Advanced Doctorate in economics
full professor at the Chair of Employment Economy and Personnel Management at the Academy of Employment and Social Relations
(Moscow, Russia)
Nazarova Ulyana A.
Holder of an Advanced Doctorate in economics, the Head of Training Center
(Ufa, Russia)
Shabayeva Svetlana V.
Holder of an Advanced Doctorate in economics, the Head of the Institute of Economics and Law
(Petrozavodsk, Russia)
workplace mentoring
mentor training
the labour market
young professionals
effectiveness of mentoring.
Abstract: the article shows the relevance in Russia and abroad of such personnel technology as mentoring on the workplace. A review of Russian and foreign practices and methods of mentoring, the experience of Russian enterprises-leaders in the use of mentoring is presented.
Actual problems of the development of the mentioned personnel technology at industrial enterprises in Russia are considered, including the specifics of trainees related to the «Generation Z»; the specifics of the mentors themselves; «Formal mentoring» and the difficulty of measuring the outcome of mentoring. Directions for their solution are proposed taking into account the best foreign experience: the design of mentor training systems, the exchange of mentoring experience, and mentor motivation. The authors showed the need for professional standard implementation in the field of mentoring, as well as develop an appropriate legislative framework.
To substantiate the conclusions and suggestions, the authors studied the experience of organizing mentoring both in Russia and abroad, relevant local legal acts, conducted interviews with mentors and interns, as well as with heads of enterprises and organizations using the mentoring system.
Paper submitted on: 08/28/2019; Accepted on: 11/15/2019; Published online on: 12/25/2019.


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15393/j5.art.2019.5155