2019. № 3 (27). DOI: 10.15393/

Issue 3 (27)

Lifelong learning in the modern world: the research and design methodology



Bermous Alexander G.
(Rostov-on-Don, Russia)
educational standardization
field of education
social topology of education.
Abstract: this article presents a systematic study of the phenomenon of representation, in relation to the problem of modern teacher education standardization. The initial problem is the need for a qualitative rethinking of the competency-based approach regarding the more traditional knowledgeable and modern foreign versions of the competency-based approach, as well as in connection with differentiation and an increase in the diversity of standards in the field of teacher education. An adequate and general tool for resolving many emerging problems is the use of a field approach based on the works of K. Levin and P. Bourdieu and relevant to current trends to recognize the role of the subjective factor in the formation and development of social practices, the complication and differentiation of types of educational activities, the assimilation within social sciences cognitive and linguistic models. The most effective, in this regard, are such concepts of P. Bourdieu as capitals, field, forces, space, habitus, social topology of education. The main results of the study are answers to key questions about the nature and levels of field structures in the logic of standardizing teacher education, as well as the possibilities of developing and implementing complex research projects based on reflection of relationships in the educational field.
Paper submitted on: 08/15/2019; Accepted on: 09/08/2019; Published online on: 09/25/2019.


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