2019. № 2 (26). DOI: 10.15393/j5.art.2019.4685

Issue 2 (26)

Human and teaching resources of continuing education



Tebenkova Elena A.
Holder of Advance Degree in Pedagogy
Associate Professor at the Chair of Ecology and Life Safety at Kurgansky State University
(Kurgan, Russia)
professional education
environmental education in a professional educational organization
project approach
culture of environmental students' safety at a professional educational organization.
Abstract: the relevance of professional environmental education is caused by the strategic goals of the state and new competencies in the updated Federal State educational standards of secondary vocational education and Federal State Educational Standards TOP-50 related to ensuring environmental safety in the course of professional work. The article marks the insufficient development of terminology in the space of professional environmental education. Forming a terminological field, the author, relying on the humanitarian interpretation of education, considers professional education as a process, system and activity aimed at developing the qualities of students in personal and professional aspects. Taking into account modern requirements for training specialists, the author's definition of professional environmental education is presented. The result of environmental education in a professional educational organization is proposed to designate the culture of environmental students' safety as an element of environmental culture. On the basis of the conducted diagnostics of the formation of a culture of environmental safety for college students, the author records a low level in all selected indicators. The problem is associated with the need for targeted formation of components. To solve this problem, the project approach is justified. The article presents the conceptual aspects of the project for creation a methodological system to form the components of a culture of environmental safety for college students: goals, functional areas, results, activities and technologies.
Paper submitted on: 12/15/2018; Accepted on: 05/15/2019; Published online on: 06/22/2019.


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15393/j5.art.2019.4685