2019. № 1 (25). DOI: 10.15393/

Issue 1 (25)

Labor Market and Lifelong Learning



Dogadina Marina A
PhD in Agricultural Sciences
Associate Professor of the Department of Plants Protection and Ecotoxicology, Orlov State Agrarian university
(Orel, Russia)
extended education
additional professional program
working professions and specialties
modern education
vocational training
Professional Standards
personality development.
Abstract: the article focuses on the necessity and opportunities of extended education in agrarian universities to form a modern, highly qualified specialist who meets the agrarian politics and labor market requirements. The extended education which includes getting primary and some allied professions, or getting cross-training, additional professional and higher education, trains a universal, creatively thinking, sought-after specialist. The article reflects the main conceptual models of the system of extended education aimed at training a specialist in agroecology, a specialist in landscape architecture, a specialist in agribusiness, a researcher, a specialist in protected cropping for the modern agricultural sector of the economy. Within the framework of mastering the main educational program, in close connection with additional education, graduates can perform in various spheres of professional activity, conduct critical analysis and synthesis of information, highlight priorities, and apply a systematic approach in solving assigned tasks. The principle of self-organization is the basis for managing your time, building and realizing the trajectory of self-development on the basis of lifelong education. The continuity of education helps to realize the self-improvement of personal qualities, to form the prospects for career growth and personality development
Paper submitted on: 01/30/2019; Accepted on: 02/25/2019; Published online on: 03/23/2019.


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